Cultural appropriation of Native Americans is why. She's Irish for crying out loud.
Good! Now I can burn all the wife’s CDs.
Yes sirree!
I thought you were good people. I was so wrong. 😋
I have my limits.
Enya is soothing. Who doesn't love Orinoco Flow? That's not the point though. It's burning someone else's CDs. Not cool unless you are burning a mixed CD to woo them. 😉Woo away my friend.
Orinoco blows more like. I feel a bonfire coming on.
In all seriousness though, don't burn them. That's not really environmentally friendly. Breaking CDs works though. Besides, she may retaliate by finding 24 hour long Enya playlists on Youtube or Spotify and playing them constantly for you. I certainly would.
They’ll make great coasters.