MovieChat Forums > Eliza Dushku Discussion > Even beautiful people can be failures

Even beautiful people can be failures

I hate to say it, but when you're voicing more cartoons than getting live action work, you've definitely hit the skids. Sorry, Eliza.

No one is on my ignore list, because I'm not a pussy
Formerly, HereComesSadness


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No need to apologize, she was never beautiful!


She's a stunner! Your standards are ridiculous!


She is beautiful, she's earned millions many times over during her career. How financially successful are you Mr. OP?

Lazenby, Dalton & Craig ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTES!


I bet you typed this right after fetching the morning's coffee order, right? Them grapes be SOUR


The failures would be the ones that don't make it at all. You fail at knowing failure.


I allways point at comparisions and one of them being how Jessica Alba also had a similar start. Had a tv career cant for the life of me remember what that is right now. And when on to do movies and to this day is still doing movies and from what i hear she has a company she owns as well. Eliza never quite made it from her tv role onto the movie stage..
