Stripper is a major liar...
I am the first to believe a guy would cheat and I do not doubt something went on with that stripper and Josh. BUT no way does her story about him bragging about "banging a stripper" to a co-worker add up now. She tells the enquirer that Josh was freaking out and trying to keep the sex a secret and told her she could not tell anyone. She says how paranoid he was that someone found out she was at his room.
So, he is going to risk being found out by bragging about being with her?
This ho is looking more and more like a major liar.
She is acting in the Enquirer contacted her because his coworker called them? Then why is her lawyer calling E news to ask for money for a story? They refused the story because she wanted to be paid.
I am not saying something did not happen, but wow this woman is full of it and after money.
Then to protect herself about DNA, she says he used protection, yet he was drunk and out of it?
He is wreckless but uses protection ? come on!
I am now wondering more and more if he asked her to come to his hotel for a private dance with his buddy, and she embelished this story, since him admitting any of it would embarrasing to him.
Or did the fact a celeb who actually paid her more than a dollar tip in her trashy club make her see dollar signs and make up this story?
It sounds more and more like a ho that was scorned and is trying to get money and revenge.
Not saying he is innocent, but she also is a lying about parts of this story,
At this point he cant defend himself because just going to a dive like that for a nude dance makes him look sleazy.
I don't feel sorry for him, I feel sorry for Fergie really. He should be smart enough not to even walk in a place like that!