MovieChat Forums > Dustin Diamond Discussion > Are we allowed to talk about the not so ...

Are we allowed to talk about the not so nice

parts of his life again? This guy was a pariah until he got answer. The new show isn't even a year old and he literally wasn't invited back because people didn't like him.

He tried porn, stabbed someone, wrote a tell all book - which may or may not have been loaded with lies - about his Saved By the Bell castmates, and was notoriously difficult on some reality shows. He wasn't liked. Now we're all sad he died? People can be so phony sometimes.


The only phony ones are the cast that would have spit on him before he got sick but then at like they were best buds.


Don't act like thousands of people aren't doing this right now. It's not just the cast. "The fans" are doing it in droves.


I never knew anyone that was a fan of his or his character, not anyone that gives a shit whether he is alive or dead. I doubt any viewers every truly hated him as the cast members appear to have so I'm not they are on the same level of phony.


"I don't know anyone..." isn't an argument.


yes but you are asserting that "the fans" are doing it in droves. Do you have a history of all of these people's posts where they said they did not like him AND then said they were sad?

It could be that "the fans" that are saying this actually did like him and the ones that attacked him are just being quiet.


He was a notorious prick. He was despised for his personality and behavior:

He even tried to pretend it was all an act, HA: The guy was a grade-A weasel. And after writing the book - which was largely dismissed as fiction - the weasel tried to blame it all on the ghost writer, LOL: He tried to pretend the asshole bit was fake and the book was fake, why? Because people didn't like him. He trashed everyone and it bit him in the ass. Hurt his career.


kuatorises: I am not going to argue that he was not a prick. My comments was based on two other comments:
thomas998: "The only phony ones are the cast that would have spit on him before he got sick but then at like they were best buds."
you said : "Don't act like thousands of people aren't doing this right now. It's not just the cast. "The fans" are doing it in droves."

Thomas998 indicated that the cast, in their comments, were being hypocritical when they said he was a better guy than they really thought he was.

You then said that the cast were not the only ones being hypocritical as you said "The fans" are doing it in droves.

You implied that the droves of fans that are saying nice things about him also really felt he was a prick. I just wanted you to consider that the fans that are saying it had a different view of him or they could just be wrong.


"You implied that the droves of fans that are saying nice things about him also really felt he was a prick. I just wanted you to consider that the fans that are saying it had a different view of him or they could just be wrong."

Stop being naive/obtuse. Until he got sick, his former cast mates from Saved By the Bell and people he did reality shows with did not like him. You think those people were the only ones? That he was beloved by fans, but not by people he worked with? Stop it. Christ, some of the YouTube videos I posted even had bad comments about him.


Only americans believed anything that happen in those shows is real this is acting they pay some member to be the bad guy to spice things up because in the end of the day people remember more the drama than anything else


The problem is you seem to think there are fans that hated him and now don't... You have zero proof that any fans were like that. That is why I simply spoke of the cast members because there was plenty of past evidence of them saying how much they disliked him and now you hear them saying boohoo. You can claim thousands of people are doing that buy you have no proof of it.


I saw an interview where he said he would apologize to them. But the rest of the cast wasn't innocent either.


" But the rest of the cast wasn't innocent either."

What did they do to him?


I saw a video of Zack talking to Slater and Zack admits that, "Okay maybe I stuffed in him a couple of lockers."


MPG admits he was mean to Dustin when they made the show.




Here's the video of MPG saying that:

Who knows what the real truth is behind the scenes, but at the end of the day it seems that the cast both had good times and bad with Dustin. Such is life.


Ok, and? I mean, it's sad Mark picked on the kid, but he was also a teenager when he did it. He was immature and an asshole. What was Dustin's excuse for when he stabbed someone and talked shit about people when he was an adult? I'm not dismissing bullying. I think most people know what it's like to feel picked on or isolated - at least once - but it's in no way justification for how Diamond went on to treat others - who had nothing to do with it - years later.


There was a tell all book but he claims that there was a ghost writer so it's not all accurate.


No, I know he claims he didn't have anything to do with the lies in the book. When you said, "They weren't innocent either" what were you talking about?


Oh, some of the cast members have claimed that they weren't nice to him because he was the youngest one in the class. There was an interview where Mario Lopez singles out Elizabeth Berkley and she acts all shocked like "you think I was mean to him". I never really heard any specifics of what they actually did.


Honestly, he's a part of pop culture for people my age. We grew up watching him play a character. For that, he is fondly remembered. As for his personal life, it was nothing like his TV persona and most people didn't care for it.

He died young. That's tragic. He also had bad behaviors which are also tragic. For all the opportunities for good he had, they seemed squandered. Talk about his personal issues all you like. You're not wrong.


When I think of the word "tragic", treating people like shit and stabbing someone are not things that come to my mind.


no but as he died young that means he does not have a chance to become a better person and that is, in a sense, tragic.




I think his porn video was fake.

Beyond that, I really didn't know him personally. I did like the "Screech character" back in the day. Although, the truth is, I wouldn't wish cancer on my worst enemy. It really is a fucked up to die. I'm sure some people liked him and some didn't but at the end of the day, perhaps we can all learn something from his death even if it's minuscule.


What do you think they did, film his voice with someone else's dick?


You actually watched his porn vid? Lol....


I looked it up after he died. I forgot he did it until I saw it on FB. I watched a few minutes. 0/10 do not recommend.


haha... alright. thanks for the tip.

Actually, I've seen parts of it. and it looks fake to me. I haven't seen all of it though. so maybe its really him but he denies it's him. so whatever....


" thanks for the tip."

That's what she said!


I think he should have been part of the revival. I've thought that since before he got sick. Many other fans did too, and that's why there were plans for him to have a spot in season 2.

The fact that this happened before a full reunion is the saddest part.


Because people remember Screech, not Diamond. Also, one man's "not so nice" is another man's "colorful". What is so wrong with doing porn? Also, maybe the guy he knifed had it coming. We don't know.


He stabbed someone. Got jail time for it too. He was found guilty; meaning he was in the wrong. Stop it.

Porn is gross. We all watch it, but being in it is next-level. Drugs, suicide, it's an industry of excess. All of the problems in that industry are common knowledge if you know anything about it.


Just because he went to jail for it doesn't mean he wasn't morally justified. Your rationale for porn being gross is illogical and self-serving. It's "okay" to watch because you do it, only actually being in it is "gross". It's just sex. You must think sex is gross as well.


"Just because he went to jail for it doesn't mean he wasn't morally justified. "


"You must think sex is gross as well."

This is what's called a logical fallacy.


Under struct Sharia law, the punishment for being gay is death. Are those following that law being moral?

"Logical fallacy". Such an academic term, but I am guessing you don't really know what a logical fallacy is, as there was an undeniable logical link that was drawn (both primarily involve having sex, so if one is gross, the other must be as well). Even if you still maintain that one is gross and one is not for whatever reason, the logical link is still undeniably there.


"(both primarily involve having sex, so if one is gross, the other must be as well)"

Literally a strawman and false equivalancy all in one. It's funny because you're super confident about your wrongness too.


You don't understand the meaning of the terms "logical fallacy", "strawman", and "false equivalency". Just because you read a webpage on them once upon a time, doesn't mean you grasp the concepts.


"You said porn is gross, you must think sex is gross as well"

is a textbook logical fallacy. You're literally criticizing me for something I didn't say.


kuatorises... does porn give you the cooties?




I have some sympathy for him because cancer sucks. It ravages your body and as it did with him can take you very quickly. I'm very aware of that.

But - as you put it - he was a shitty person. Was for years. It wasn't an isolated incident. I ain't the slightest bit religious or spiritual, but I'll be damned if this doesn't look like a little karma. It's probably because of how he lived his life. I specifically remember him arguing with dieticians and coaches on celebrity fit club about eating whatever he wanted, but I won't lie, I a small part of my brain did think karma when I heard he died.
