I can't believe she's 26! She looks very young, like a teenager.
"I'm not scared. I'm not scared. I'm not scared. Please...Wesley...why can't I stay?" -RIP Fred
I can't believe she's 26! She looks very young, like a teenager.
"I'm not scared. I'm not scared. I'm not scared. Please...Wesley...why can't I stay?" -RIP Fred
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shareShe is lucky to look so young for her age, so many women these days resort to drugs trying to look young.
I'm a guy but I look young for my age too, if it wasnt for me being 6'3" people would still think i'm in high school. And when I first got my license at 17 I looked too young to drive, I had no facial hair yet because my hair is dirty blonde, so it was invisible. I got so teased for that...
Anyway I can imagine how hard it was for her at 18, she probably got i.d. alot if she wanted to go to a club or see an R movie, she probably looked too young at the time.