Alright see, how many times will people explain to you that black actors/actresses get rewarded for playing negative black stereotypes?! Tavis Smiley made the point that the real argument lies in the "NON-EXISTENT balance." How come these black actors/actresses don't never get praieses from the mainstream for playing morally upstanding characters? How come they didn't care for Malcom X but gave Denzel an Oscar for Training Day? How come the same white people praising The Help made excuses for why they will not watch RED TAILS and pointed out historical inaccuracies and called it a feel good movie for black people.
Oh, yeah, RED TAILS was a bad movie, so was The Blind Side, but they love the Blind Side so much that they watched it multiple times. Also, Precious got loads of mainstream media attention and praise, however any black-themed movie where the black characters are not depicted in a pathetic light is ignored and hated by the mainstream.
I read several posts on the message board of LAW ABIDING CITIZENS, from white people who said they just couldn't find her (Viola) believable as a Mayor, yet these same white people are all too willing to find her believable as a MAID, can't you see the weirdness of that? How come a morally upstanding non-suffering succesful no-nonsense black character is often scorned by the mainstream? yet the numerous suffering pathetic subservient characters of Morgan Freeman get loads of praises.
Remember The Green Mile, The Legend of Bagger Vance, Shawshank Redemption, Precious, The Blind Side,etc... tell me what you think white people found very attractive about those black characters in those movies that they were so willing to watch. Let me tell you, they were SUBSEVIENT POWERLESS SUFFERING characters who went "Yes Sir, Yes Ma" all through the movies. Heck Will Smith was made to take the Bagger Vance role as a ploy to make him "LIKABLE" to white people, even white professional film critics complained about the role. Can't you open your eyes to see that there is indeed something wrong in a society where black people have to be depicted in a pathetic light for the "dominant race" to find them likable. Even many right-wing conservative commentator have highlighted this ploy by Hollywood to potray black people in a sorry state, hence these conservatives coined the term WHITE GUILT MOVIE (like a new genre of movies with liberal racial messages), some racist idiots have said "they always want us to feel sorry for white people, well I'm tired of that."
There is a lack of balance, white actors/actresses have won awards for playing both good and bad, but black actors/actresses have OVERWHELMINGLY been celebrated for playing negative black stereotypes, from welfare queens to drug dealers.
Sure this woman would get loads of offers to play awesome roles but see if they'll give her any awards for playing those cool roles.