MovieChat Forums > Viola Davis Discussion > Does she walk with a limp in real life?

Does she walk with a limp in real life?

I keep noticing how awkward her walk is in How To Get Away With Murder so I tried looking it up, but none of the searches reveal any good results, and to make matters worse, the articles in the results don't even contain the word "limp" even though I entered ot in the search; Google isn't all it's cracked up to be.
I have heard that it's because she's not used to walking in heels, but she's been wearing them for quite a while now for her roles so she should be used to them by now. I also noticed how she walks that way even when at least her character in HTGAWM is not wearing heels.


I've noticed it first back in her SVU days...I think she may have one leg shorter than the other


That would make a lot of sense.


This is a completely uneducated guess though lol


I can't remember exactly what/when, but she's commented on that. There'sbsome issue she grew up with.

I am the Alpha and the Omoxus. The Omoxus and the Omega


Who cares?


I noticed it too. In fact, I came on here to see if I was the only one.


Ditto. Also come looking to see what her walk on HTGAWM was all about. For me, defiantely 'killer heels syndrome'.


That would be my uneducated diagnosis as well. I notice it a lot in HTGAWM and it didn't seem like a "character choice".
