Has she got a boyfriend?
She's a great actress and really pretty! Has she got a boyfriend??
Its nice to see someone backing up us bigger girls and showing the world how great and sweet we really can be!
She's a great actress and really pretty! Has she got a boyfriend??
Its nice to see someone backing up us bigger girls and showing the world how great and sweet we really can be!
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share... i dnt ... know im guessing she does
shareWhy, how big are you? Lucy Davis wasn't fat-fat anyways, she was just ... how do u put it.... pleasantly plump.
shareShe seemed to put the weight on for the part, whereas being interviewed after each series was filmed she was nothing less than stunning ;)
shareShe didn't seem overweight in Shaun of the Dead. Just highly attractive. Okay I've never been a fan of waifs (and I found Renee Zelweger much more attractive when she put on weight for Bridget Jones then her subsequent Hollywood size) so maybe it's just my perception but It didn't really cross my mind that she was a "big" girl and as I always seemed to miss the office I don't know if she was larger in that. I just saw her in that film and wanted to find out more about her as she was hot (and I think the guy from Black Books (in SOTD) was nuts to want the other woman over her to be honest).
shareDid I say I was fat? No! I purely meant that shes above a size 10, very very unusual for many famous people these days...well famous women I should say. She looks gorgeous which is what I said before, don't get so narky.
What!?!?! Are you tlaking about The girl who played Dianne in Shaun of the dead?!? Cause Why the hell would you think shes fat?!!! Shes such a tiny girl!