MovieChat Forums > Marton Csokas Discussion > Ouch - Review of 'Falcón'

Ouch - Review of 'Falcón'

Well, I don't care, I'll probably love it if I ever get a chance to see it stateside: -man-of-seville---part-one

If nothing else, I'll enjoy seeing something filmed on location in Spain.


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I am with you on this one HK I would love to see this series..... Sometimes characters in TV series take a while to "grow" into the story and also on to the viewers. I hope this one comes to the US soon or it not then onto Netfilx so we can have a go......


Well, that's not very nice, is it? But there are also several good reviews out there, so let's hope the majority is in the right. Either way, I hope that it comes to this side of the Atlantic before too long.


This one seems a little more forgiving/appreciative... tic-review.html


Part of the problem is that detective series have been done to death on British television and critics just won't see beyond the over-familiar plot elements, so Falcon is very much fighting against the sense that we've seen it all before but if the viewer is accepting of this it's a series that has much to commend it; beautifully well made, gripping and quite pacy with good performances - especially from Csokas who's suitably dark, stylish and charismatic in the lead role. It's also much better than the Italian-set flop Zen which it keeps getting compared too and despite sharing photogenic European settings the two aren't really alike at all. I hope this goes beyond the current three-parter and gets a chance to find it's feet properly.


Well said.... pablo-taylor I sure hope that we get to see this series over here in the USA.

