MovieChat Forums > Steven Crowder Discussion > Crowder was in the wrong

Crowder was in the wrong

I liked Crowder, but he's in the wrong with his DW spat. Recording a private phone call and playing it on Youtube is really a chump move.


Who turns down $50M anyway?


Who the hell is worth 50mil to begin with?!?! It's just insane the money that gets thrown around to sports figures and celebrities. It's ridiculous. I'm not anti-capitalist or anti-millionaire/billionaire. But seriously. Ain't nobody worth that much money for being in the entertainment industry.


I was unaware of this until Ben Shapiro addressed it at the end of today's podcast


It's been blowing up on Twitter over the past few days. Candace Owens is on Timcast as I write this, and she's torn into Crowder because of what he did. Crazy how conservative media is rupturing like this.


I think crowder is right to do what he did


I think both sides have a point. This certainly boosted both of their brands.


I never watch Ben Shapiro or Jordan Peterson and I could give a crap less what Candace Owens has to say because I see right through them yet everytime I fall asleep with YouTube on the whole time I'm sleeping all I hear is Jordan Petersons or Ben Shapiros voice because that's what they want to push on me as a Conservative minded man but I'll just keeping getting my news from Jimmy Dore and Black Conservative Perspective.


Owens is the worst of the worst political grifters
