David Cross: Why America Sucks at Everything
Is he wrong?
Or is what most Americans think they know wrong?
Is he wrong?
Or is what most Americans think they know wrong?
No, he's right
shareStarted back in the 1970's with Nixon, and the so-called sane Conservative, but they have been enslaving Americans and defunding the government for 50 years now.
One who expressed this well and with historical backup and footnotes is Thom Hartmann in his "The Secret History of" book series. I am pretty amazed as I have been reading history and following news and events from many different points of views and Hartmann has the most information in the most efficient form, in the most accessible form, and for the most affordable price. I just recently got turned on to Thom Hartmann. Of course there are many other books and sources as well.
Nixon is literally responsible for all diabetics having free dialysis their entire lives.
shareLiberals suck, of course. Sadly, there are still millions of them. China and Russia are grateful for that.
shareNope, it's the infighting that got you.
shareYes. By liberals. The GOP takes a stand and liberals take the opposite, no matter what it is.
shareThe blame game favors only other countries.
shareHow else can you explain an ideology that literally took the side of criminals over law and order. A year later, they realized the poll numbers were against them and they decided to blame the GOP for wanting to defund the police. The GOP didn't do any of that. They consistently supported law and order and the police. The Dems changed their position whenever it suited them politically.
shareIt's what they get done for the masses that's just a bit better than what the republicans do. Since I'm not rich (and also not delusional about my chances of changing that) it's more beneficial to me to vote liberal.
Besides, I like the environment having some green left for eventual grandchildren.
well than you vote against your own interests. Ironic how much you democrats and liberals love that line but do it constantly. Environmental simps are fucking stupid. After how many years and lies, how can you keep buying that bullshit? The hole in the ozone, melting ice caps, polar bears stuck on a block of ice, all BULLSHIT! Just like Carbon emissions. But hey, worry about that instead of opening up a fucking science book. Y'all are so easy to dupe. Muh Environment, muh climate, it's like the lefts version of muh freedom, muh guns to the right. Suckers.
shareSo the 14.000 scientists that just published in BioScience are all delusional? Seems a bit improbable. Besides, I've witnessed and noticed the loss of biodiversity, deforestation and glacier melting myself (I travel plenty). Let's just say I consider nearly 8 billion people polluting a considerable influence, taking into account the finite amount of space on earth (it becomes clear when you look from space and realize how relatively small the earth is). Why take the risk? So fucking what that we'll drive electric? Plenty of opportunities in a "green" scenario. Fuck those oil Barons!
share14,000 scientists
I'll stick to scientific sources and not some opinion of a forum user, thanks. You could try it.
shareExcept you've already proven you're not smart enough to know what a scientific source is. Maybe you should actually just take neither side, know your role and bow out of the debate altogether but you're no different than those 14,000 agreeable "scientists" who arent experts on anything or have applied Science in studies or done actually field research on ANYTHING! like Neil DeGrass Tyson or Bill Nye. Those are your sources lol
To a moron, sure, they seem smart and can regurgitate scientific info, but they have no idea how those conclusions were drawn and if they are valid or not because they cant apply it or even know how to be critical of any information.
yup, started on Jan 21, 2021, so yes he is right...
shareHe's funny!
shareI dont know, if he's unhappy about it, maybe he should look at the ones who run the healthcare system and the education system that force doctors to charge as much as possible to pay off their student loans from the money lenders, aka his people, aka the chosen ones, aka the people who came here in mass to ruin this country when they got finished ruining Germany and Russia, aka the people who weaseled their way into power through nepotism and fraud, and have a stranglehold on the government, the media, the education system, the healthcare system, the music industry, the garment industry, the jewelry industry and everything else that can squeeze a dime out of every gentile because that is their only god and the only thing they believe in, as they pretend to be pious and oppressed as they lash out and stab everyone in the back.
shareIs that kind of thinking why you choose to be a Nazi?
shareIt's not a kind of thinking. It's knowing what and who has started causing this country's downfall, like they have to every country that started building an economy through hard work, trust, loyalty and other good qualities that cause these leeches to come along, to bloodsuck, and syphon all the money out. Kicked out of 110 countries for it. Caused the downfall of Rome, of Spain, of Germany, of Russia, of England. All great super powers that collapsed because of them, and now we're the next target, and this swarm of locust will go to China and do the same.
and here comes another one, trying to pass the blame along to Americans instead of where it belongs.
Republicans grabbed control of the government with money and lies in the 70's and things have been slowly getting worse since that time. The main thing is that the economy has been rigged to disempower workers and suck their money as private taxes to corporations and billionaire oligarchs who have not done anything for the country or given anything back.
Republican's constant whines about workers being lazy while they revere the scum who inherit money, sit on the their butts and do nothing their whole lives but figure out ways to not pay taxes and to scam the rest of us is sick, and that is exactly what you are.
Will you stop! They control both sides, who spent 90% of their time fighting over non-governmental social issues to distract the public, and are in complete agreement on all the oligarchy issues, which get ZERO coverage, or are spun to something off topic. They've all been bought off and play the shell game.
You're also WRONG! Democrats had a Trifecta during JFK and LBJ and Carter, and Clintons first two years. A republican just recently got it W. So no, it's been democrats that have been MAINLY responsible for getting on their knees and sucking off Israel, which allowed them to consolidate power, and gain more wealth, and now both sides gladly suck at the teet because to even attempt to fight them and you get destroyed, murdered, throw in a jail by a kangaroo court and bankrupted. It's literally over for the United States and China will fight hard but will fall as well.
In answer to your question, no.
There rest of it is just your weird rant, and your need to blame Jews for everything. You're just another neo-Nazi.
I didnt ask a question. And your name calling/labeling is known pathetic attempt to deflect, divert and discredit that doesnt work. Typical weasel liberal move. Shalom.
share"Why America Sucks at Everything"
That's sure to get a cheer from the liberals.
Undermining America at every turn, then whining about how a few morons "almost overthrew our beloved country!"
Look at the facts and quit blabbering about Liberals ... don't you ever get tired of it? Don't you ever think maybe it's a bunch of BS?
shareYes, I do believe that "America Sucks at Everything" is a bunch of BS. If you think that's a 'fact', then you're an idiot.
Which you've already proven quite clearly already.
And the fact that this Yahoo includes the cost of health care in America's tax bill shows he's being dishonest. Just a typical Socialist thinking Socialism is the cure to everything. Instead of attempting to fix out-of-control health care costs, let's use it as an excuse to implement Socialism in America.
You're taking economic advice from a comedian.
"That's sure to get a cheer from the liberals."
Thanks for proving my point.
> If you think that's a 'fact', then you're an idiot.
Logic that is the hallmark of the authentic idiot.
> Just a typical Socialist thinking Socialism is the cure to everything.
Every other developed country has better health care costs and outcomes of the US. When do Conservatives admit that instead of calling socialism all the time as the answer to why we cannot compete with the rest of the world?
Every Conservative solution to "fix out-of-control health care costs" has led to more corruption, less people covered, more profits funneled up the rich and worse outcomes.
And you conservatives actually think saying stuff like "Thanks for proving my point" is an argument? What kind of health care do you get for writing that kind of drivel?
"Every Conservative solution to "fix out-of-control health care costs" has led to more corruption, less people covered, more profits funneled up the rich and worse outcomes."
Another baseless claim from you. Just like you lying about NRA IDs being accepted for voting. You're just making this shit up.
Our health care system attracts people from all over the world because of its quality. When you use government force to control how much doctors and nurses make (which you have to do with socialized medicine), then less people want to become doctors and nurses. Because, once again, Socialism goes against human nature.
"And you conservatives actually think saying stuff like "Thanks for proving my point" is an argument?"
Not an argument, just pointing out a fact. And here you are, cheering on this moron's lies.
There is plenty of back-up for that. Read Wendell Potter's blogs, or books about how he went from a CYGNA VP to a consumer advocated because the scams he saw from his company and others were so outrageous and corrupt. You know nothing except how to make insulting and groundless claims on chat boards in support of the unsupportable.
share"There is plenty of back-up for that. Read Wendell Potter's blogs, or books about how he went from a CYGNA VP to a consumer advocated because the scams he saw from his company and others were so outrageous and corrupt."
No doubt that the medical system is corrupt. Sick people are being overcharged for services they don't even need, or even asked for.
But you blamed that all on conservatives. Please provide a link that proves it was conservatives who implemented this corruption.
> But you blamed that all on conservatives.
Yeah I did. And you are the liar if you disagree ... not to mention you just backed down but with no backup for your continual BS.
"Yeah I did. And you are the liar if you disagree"
And if you think I 'backed down', you're even stupider than I thought.