Charges of racism from Charlyne Yi
I don't know why anyone would lie about something
like that or why she would make something like that
up. I don't think she did. Somehow this confirmed
a kind of creepy feeling I get even through the screen
watching this schmuck. He seems like an ass. All
those tattoos all over him, and he looks creepy.
At some point we have to realize and deal with the
fact that a majority of people become real assholes
when they get rich, successful or powerful, and they
find they can amuse themselves by fucking with other
people, whether they are racist or not, AND furthermore
the establishment takes care of itself and defends all
these people. That is why people, women, gays, whatever
do not say anything.
Only in rare cases does the real story get out to enough
people to create a critical mass where it comes to
societal attention. Because we all have to face it, we are
all assholes sometime ... why not talk honestly and
clearly about it?