Who thinks he sexy?
I just have to say it.
He turns me on. And he's a *beep* brilliant actor.
The end.
I just have to say it.
He turns me on. And he's a *beep* brilliant actor.
The end.
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shareI've thought he was hot ever since I saw him in episodes of Seinfeld.
And I agree - he is brilliant!
He can be. I agree about him in his Seinfeld days. He can be now too, he can look so different though. Depends how his hair, facial hair is. He also seems very skinny now.
http://scontent-b-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/t1.0-9/10389990_101524 19544086352_6160581515877303205_n.jpg
"Fire - Walk With Me"
Definitely!!!! I've liked him since Malcolm in the Middle, always thought he was strangely attractive. And now having seen his acting range its just grown! I find his voice very sexy indeed. Gentle but rough.