Buh Bye!
Enjoy Mexico you sleazeball. Doubt Canada will take you.
shareYeah, and those "Progressives" that threats to leave USA always say that they'll move to Canada... "Progressives" usually use the term "too White", so they should move to Africa or the Middle-East or at least Mexico, and in those countries they can't bitch about "White privilege".
shareWaiting for him to announce he is moving. I would actually respect him then.
shareI'd respect him if he left this country like he said he would. Otherwise he's just another LIAR!!!
The guys a hack. Only good in breaking bad and only then cause gave this freak a great role.
shareNot sure why he would decide to take a nice big dookie on what's left of his failing career.
sharePrecious lame progressive girly man. What a no! Get out