Give him a break

We all say things driven by emotions we end up regretting, it's not like what Cranston said was carved in stone. It didn't commit him to anything, he just expressed his dislike or fear of someone in an extreme way. So what?

Trump himself said he was gonna build a wall on the border and make muslims carry special ID cards, well, we'll see if he's a man of his word... he won't probably apply these measures and you know what? Because he'll certainly come to his senses and realize that it's unfeasible and ethically condemnable.

But Trump had to make these silly premises to show that he means business and to garner a few votes, that's part of human nature guys, we all say the stupidest things just to be liked and they don't mean much in the end. Now, if Trump was serious, it's another story.

Seriously, people are scared of Trump because they see him like some kind of Greg Stillson-figure who'll bring the world to a global conflict, that's it. For all I know, maybe Hillary Clinton would have been a more dangerous candidate but I won't blame Cranston because he expressed a personal opinion about Trump.

You just have to read the subtext, it's not about leaving the country, but being scared of Trump. That's all.

Besides, whatever Cranston will ever say, I don't think it will affect the life of anyone of us while a word, a decision taken by the President of the United States is a matter of life and death and can ultimately lead to the deaths of people.

Let's just put things into perspective. If we can give Trump the benefit of the doubt, we can also close our eyes on what Cranston said and move forward.

Darth Vader is scary and I  The Godfather


Nah. But thanks for the PR message. Cranston made his bed and now he's gotta sleep in it.


Not PR message... I just don't get the massive amount of hate he's suddenly gotten because of something he said.

You judge a man for his actions, not his words. That's all.

Darth Vader is scary and I  The Godfather


I totally agree with you! A lot of my friends say they will move to Canada if Trump is elected but end up staying here. Do I hate them now? No. The same can be said about Cranston. I'm so glad that I can hear from someone that have intelligence instead of hearing from a bunch of dumb 'haters'


Exactly, we're all emotional individuals to different degrees, but praising Trump as if he was some political 'Messiah' and then spit on everyone who's genuinely scared is really pushing 'overreacting' to some disturbing, intelligence-insulting, extremes.

Darth Vader is scary and I  The Godfather
