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trump will win but this jackass will never burn his passport; its value is about to go THROUGH THE ROOF.


Calling people libtards makes you sound oh so smart.


Yeah, and those LibTards that threats to leave USA always says that they'll move to Canada... LibTards usually use the term "too White", so they should move to Africa or the Middle-East or at least Mexico, and in those countries they can't bitch about "White privilege".


Yeah, I'm happy that PC-cuckold manginas like Cranston get to experience Trump winning the president-election :D


Intelligent, educated people tend to have a liberal bias in some regard.

For instance, he knows how immature and inappropriate to use a sexist term "pussy" as an insult. You can't expect everyone to be as ignorant as you - the guy is an actor, he's been out there, he's talked to hundreds of people. He knows and has experienced more than you. Of course he's going to be liberal.

You are conservative because you've been sheltered in your life when obviously most celebrities have not. You can't fault them for being too smart and cultured to think how you think.

Make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires.


Spoiled, sheltered, entitled brats tend to have a liberal bias as well. You know, those who are unemployed and want to be given everything for free.

It is also funny that the "intellectual" left was so smart in predicting the outcome of the election. Their candidate was even backed by most of the biased media outlets and millions upon millions more in campaign spending. Looks like the left are looking pretty stupid right now.
