Great Boobs
Thank you, Marion Cotillard, for showing us your boobs. And thank you France for creating a culture of sexual looseness. I fapped :)
shareThank you, Marion Cotillard, for showing us your boobs. And thank you France for creating a culture of sexual looseness. I fapped :)
shareLiterally discover caps lock, bruh. I'm being serious. You bring good points but everyone assumes you're a clown because you insist on doing all caps. You hurt your own cause of rational discussion
shareLITERALLY grow up,little're embarrassing YOURSELF.🙂
sharePeople shouldn't have to get past your stubborn little idiosyncrasy. You know there's no reason to do it other than to adopt the habits of a troll. You know what you're doing, so it's more than a little ironic that you come at me lecturing when I've only shown you respect
You have 10k more posts than me on here. You could be a great ambassador for this site, but you insist on sticking with your little gimmick when you could be much more. You know I'm right. Literally just fucking press caps lock, for fucks sake. It isn't that hard, it's just a huge show of pride at this point
You're just being an asshole. You get told on a daily basis to not type in ALL CAPS. But you're always defiant about it
I'm defiant with the hateful pieces of shit that have made this place their home. You're just largely defiant in a self-indulgent way. I'm not trying to disrespect you, but I'm not gonna let you lecture me either
I don't care if anyone likes me, I sure as shit don't care if anyone likes you. If you just do all caps so you can stand out and get clout then do so, but don't talk to me from your high horse cause that's kind of ridiculous
you want an ambassador?...this is your post...
Great Boobs
posted 3 hours ago by cyberbob (974)
8 replies | jump to latest
Thank you, Marion Cotillard, for showing us your boobs. And thank you France for creating a culture of sexual looseness. I fapped :)
it is crass,stupid and inspires replies from the worst element on this site...GROW UP.
Haha, ok. That's more like it. Thank you for responding like an actual human being. Ok, my post was bad. It was meant to be bad, but I'm not gonna bother defending my posts
I can take negative feedback from people like you, as long as you do it in good faith, which you're doing now. Thank you. I'll try to raise the quality of my posts
She’s got awesome tits and she should show them for a living
shareNevermind found it!
Looks meh
Imagine if you put the same amount of effort into finding evidence of the holocaust
shareTime wasted, like searching for the Easter Bunny. Grow up kid
shareGo fuck yourself
shareYa seethe? Ya boil? LMAO
shareCringe reply. You asked me for a link of Cotillard's tits lmao. Sit down
sharetry saying that without tears in your eyes. Cope harder. Cry harder.
shareStereotypical internet reply. It's like you think you're on 4chan and a wave of supporters will come to pile on and make me feel bad
It's not gonna happen. You're an adult typing things like "Coper harder" and "Cry harder"
You're a loser and will probably be a loser your whole life. I don't want to be mean, but it seems obvious that you're too far gone to be anything other than a cringetard
You still havent had anything useful to say. Prolly since the day you were born. If you think trying to call out a stranger will make you feel better, it won't because it's such obvious projection LOL You'll never make it with the wolves
shareToo retarded a reply to even dignify with a coherent response. "Wolves" lmao. you should be embarrassed
shareYawn. Go back to pulling an all nighter on this website because you have nothing better to do with your life besides talk about average boobs of an actress, you fraud. Replies instantly like youre hanging on my every word. I dont even give a shit what you have to say.
shareHow many minutes did you sit there waiting so you could accuse me of replying instantly? LMAO
You could stop replying to my thread at any moment. You never had to reply to my thread about "average boobs of an actress"
I appreciate your attempts at fishing for personal cheap shots, it means that I hurt you and you're trying to hurt me back. Keep fishing, brother
Meanwhile, back in reality. You didnt need to wait at all. You replied as fast as you could because you have no life. We have an entire topic to prove it and prove what a hypocrite fraud you are. But you continue double down because you have as much integrity as you do social skills. Now you're crying about cheap shots when that's the first weapon you used and failed miserably (good job mods). Dude, you need to look in a mirror, and maybe you'll grow up. If not, youre hopeless and you'll never change. You'll always be the way you are. Sad and pathetic really. I will donate to a charity in your name. Do they have a biggest loser on the internet charity? Brb, let me start a non-profit for you. Now you sit there like a good boy and watch the clock to use the your rubber, Im glue defense. LOL just repeat back to me whatever I say. It's doing wonders for your self esteem.
shareDid you find the real ones or the body double ones. The odd thing is if you look at some from 2016 that were snapped when she was on a nude beach the areola is about 2 to 3 times as large as the ones in the movie Les FantĂ´mes d'Ismael which begs the question of how the areola can grow and shrink to such a large degree.
share"how the areola can grow and shrink to such a large degree"
Areola reduction surgery. That’s a thing… Unfortunately.
Don't accuse her of shrinking her areolas without proof tho
shareGood lord, I didn't realize the butchers were now removing the bullsizes from the tits. When will it stop.... the humanity.