The Beast

LA Times Mag Interview and pictures. Forget her timid Fanny, here is the self described Beast.

Here's a video portion of the interview. And to those who go on and on about who Abbie looks like, she really resembles Charlize Theron in this makeup and updo.

And last but not least, here is the full set of pictures of the woman some people were calling a plain jane just last year when she moved to LA. Behold the beauty that is Abbie Cornish:

"I'd never ask you to trust me. It's the cry of a guilty soul."


Wow! Cheers for the link. She looks stunning and those are some gorgeous photos. The one of her in the white dress and leg out is amazing photography/art.

Cornish is going to be a formidable force I don't doubt it, especially once she hits her 30s.


She is so sexy!

Alison Lohman for Supergirl
