In 12 months time

I think there is a fair chance this guy will be a very un-popular actor.

First off, i thought he was great in The Invisible and just about became a fan, then saw WotW and also liked him in that, so there's no bias.

2 movie choices this year, both have massive followings behind them, meaning massive scrutiny and a lot to lose.

S. Darko, Donnie Darko was a massive cult hit, if you disappoint the cult, that's a lot of people to get on the wrong side of.

Dragonball, everyone has already canned it, just wait until the reaction after they actually see it - if it is indeed a fail.

Future may be bright if both movies are successful, if not, i don't see much love going his way at the end of 09.


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...He already is a very unpopular actor. He's only been in two big-budget films.


Dragonball won't fail there's no possible way and he's a talented actor there hasnt been a movie I've seen him in I didnt think he did a good job. He was waiting to get his chance for a shot at something like goku when he nails he'll shut all the idiots up.


too bad he did fail

"His name is Robert Paulson"-Fight Club


Since when is he in S. Darko? I don't see him on the cast list.


Netflix lists him in the cast but not on IMDb. Odd.


He's not in Donnie Darko


this douche bag sucks in all his films. terrible actor. 'WHY CANT SHE SEE ME!' + 'YOU NEED TO LET ME GO!' *beep* actor. disgrace to canada.
