I think you are mistaken here. From your post, it seems that you do not believe in religion. Freedom of religion also allows you your freedom from religion. In large parts of the world today, people are forced to follow particular religions. People are killed for renouncing the state religion. I think you should have freedom, including the freedom not to have religion forced on you.
shareWell that is that main reason many of the Europeans that left came here for. It is a core pillar of the beginning of this country.
If you do not love the freedom of religion then you do not really love freedom. You are supporting through your bitter words the control of people by another group....a ruling class that would deny them a basic construct of human existence.
The acknowledgement that one is a living soul that has been created by a creator.
You, in your bitterness and pride has determined yourself to be so wise that you alone KNOW the unknowable truths of where all life comes from and where it goes and have solely determined the Universe and life have no creator and have the arrogance to claim the right and power to impose this belief system on other living people.
You can think and believe as you like. You are on the precipice of tyranny and evil if you believe and support commanding how others must believe through the power of the state/country.
No, the only thing the founding fathers didn't do that they should have was define what religion was... Preferably something simple such as Judaeo-Christian religion are the only religions that are recognized as such, other beliefs such as islam or whatever other wackshit thing you can come up with in the future (like scientology) are not religions but rather are cults which have no protection whatsoever. That would have been nice and simple and would allow for the US to eliminate the biggest scourge in the world right now - islam. You cannot allow a religion that requires its members to convert or kill non-believers.
As for your belief that the Dark ages were somehow the result of religion, that's simply a baseless claim. You seem to forget that the Roman Empire was held together in large part by their religion. Religion has been a glue that has bound most civilizations together, it has only been in the modern times that man has been without religion and where has that gotten us? Are we now a planet without wars? No. Are we world without hunger? No. Removing religion hasn't fostered in some period of enlightenment. Space travel wasn't the result of happy atheists pondering science in the fields, it was the product of religious folk. Go find some grand accomplishments from atheists, you've talked as if they are the driving force of progress so lets see your list.
Our freedoms enabled you to typed what you did here in this forum.
And to think we would be colonizing planets is just stupid. Stop saying that. It makes you appear as an idiot.
As for progress in space, we have been 20 years away from a manned mission to mars for 50 years.
What's this got to do with Kirk Cameron? Is he a God Boy?