The LGBTQ community are hypocrites when they gripe about Bure wanting to make films about traditional marriage. Basically they’re saying it’s wrong not to feature a non-traditional marriage in films and TV — and trust me, there’s a huge market for what Bure wants to produce — but they’re fine with eliminating straight marriages? Hypocritical. And heterophobic.
Not everything has to be about you is all Bure has to say to her detractors. Bure is in a position of power at GAC so she needs to stand by her word. If she does GAC will gain a huge following with the movies she wants to produce. If you don't like it don't watch it and leave it alone for people who do.
oh yes a HUGE following. I googled GAC films... they look like dollar store shit. ive literally never seen a single one of those pieces of trash and I search out trash films
I couldn’t be less interested in this has-been so forgive me if I’m wrong but isn’t the whole brouhaha here about HER not wanting to be part of Hallmark because they are including gay content now which goes against HER values? Why would LGBT people care either way if she wants to only make content that fits with her religious beliefs? Go for it Candace.. good luck to you!
I am an atheist. I was never bothered by Christians. They never tried to push their beliefs on me, they did not ring at my door, let alone did they try to tell me how to live my life and insist that I will be one of them, or I will be destroyed.
Meanwhile, the LGBT cult does exactly that. If you don't preach allegiance to the rainbow flag, you're an enemy that must be destroyed in the name of tolerance. If you do not buy their bullshit agendas about indoctrinating children as early as in Kindergarten, you're a "queer-phobe that must be canceled!".
They infiltrate everything, from schools to government and spew their ideology, trying to normalize it.
It's total moral bankruptcy.
This is a shameless propaganda statement filled with lies, typical of the conservative movement to portray the opponent as being aggressive when they are the ones who are threatened and denounce people for simply being themselves. So, of course, they need to characterize the other as having the traits they exhibit themselves.
Except he's not Christo-Conservative if he's Athiest. Likely a moderate Liberal who is tired of today's modern Liberal Progressive agenda.
The only shameless propaganda that's spread everywhere is that of the Rainbow Reich.
I've given up mostly on modern day media because of it, and only occasionally dabble in a few pieces of content here and there (mostly foreign films of the Asian/Indian variety).
Hallmark used to be one of the only channels left that catered to those wanting traditional values, but then they gave in to the crowd that's literally promoting all their degeneracy EVERYWHERE.
1.3% of the population is gay and 1.2% is lesbian, yet they are over-represented in EVERY piece of media on EVERY channel. They don't even watch Hallmark according to the Nielsen demographic breakdown. But as Hallmark is about to find out, it's not about the money but the message, because clearly a lot of their core base are going to turn tail when that gay romcom airs in December.
I am very much a right winger, very conservative.
Pro guns, pro life, pro family, pro small government, pro freedom - you name it.
I am simply not religious.
I do not mind Christianity, though. While it does not work for me, it works for Billions of other people and unlike other religions, Christianity evolved with time instead of insisting to stay in dark ages and throwing gay people off the roof or trying people for being "sorcerers".
As a European, I would also be a fool to pretend Christianity isn't what build Europe. A beautiful advanced place with rich cultures that is now falling apart due to an invasion from the East in the shape of a half moon and an invasion from within, in the shape of a rainbow.
There's no lies in Kendrick's post and to be honest, not much exaggeration either.
I am also an atheist and find Christians (and Jews) benign. They don't bother me nor will they hunt down my social media posts that disagree with them and demand I be fired from my job or have my media account cancelled.
The alphabet community does just that, and that is a fact.
I am pro-gay marriage (my posting history on MC bears that out) because I believe gays are born that way and deserve to be happy, but I am against forcing any group to believe the same, or make a cake with a gay couple on top, or force networks to make movies that show gay marriages.
The real world exists with all sorts of marriages. Where has any member of the LGBTQ+ community say they want to eliminate straight marriage? How has including homosexual couples in Hallmark movies decreased the value of heterosexual marriages? I have yet to see (although I have heard there is one this year out of over 40) a Hallmark Christmas movie where the main couple is not straight. Supporting couples in a few movies have been lgbtq, but that's it. Is that your definition of eliminating straight marriages?
Hallmark was supposed to be a channel where people who want to support traditionalist media could turn to for that.
ONE channel.
The Rainbow Reich couldn't even let them have that. It's really quite insane. They're the smallest demographic in America yet are the most over-represented in media, even over Asians, who make up a far larger portion of the populace.
None of your responses answers the questions that I asked of the OP which states
The LGBTQ community are hypocrites when they gripe about Bure wanting to make films about traditional marriage. Basically they’re saying it’s wrong not to feature a non-traditional marriage in films and TV — and trust me, there’s a huge market for what Bure wants to produce — but they’re fine with eliminating straight marriages? Hypocritical. And heterophobic.
Again, I ask how is showing secondary homosexual couples on a network filled with a majority if white, straight couples equals the LGBTQ community wanting to eliminate straight marriage? I did look it up and the first Hallmark Christmas movie with a gay couple in the lead is coming out this year. That's 2022. In over 500 movies made since 2001, 17 have had a gay character(s). Only 17. That's not even 1% of their movies. Also, if you really want to examine Hallmark movies, there isn't anything Christian about them.
I have no issues with Cameron want to go make Christian movies. I hope she finds success. What I do have issues with is that just because there is a gay couple in a movie that people like the OP make statements that that means that gay people want to eliminate all straight people. That's ridiculous.
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I ask how is showing secondary homosexual couples on a network filled with a majority if white, straight couples equals the LGBTQ community wanting to eliminate straight marriage?
Because it's the slippery slope, except not a fallacy. On most other networks and programming, straight, white, wholesome marriages are actually a rarity. In fact, how many are depicted on other networks?
Hallmark is one of the last bastions for straight, white, wholesome heterosexual relationships. Promoting the ideal of being married and raising a family. How many other networks depict heterosexual relationships striving for the ideal of marriage?
It's about erosion, and straight, white, wholesome heterosexual marriages have been mostly eroded away on network television despite that being the majority demographic of couples in America.
In over 500 movies made since 2001, 17 have had a gay character(s). Only 17. That's not even 1% of their movies.
Okay, and how many heterosexual-based movies have been featured on OutTV, Here! or Logo?
The simple point being that people watch Hallmark to avoid homosexual content. Just like I'm sure people watch OutTV or Logo chiefly FOR homosexual content.
Also, if you really want to examine Hallmark movies, there isn't anything Christian about them.
Fair enough.
What I do have issues with is that just because there is a gay couple in a movie that people like the OP make statements that that means that gay people want to eliminate all straight people. That's ridiculous.
When you look at the way it's framed across the wider media spectrum and academia, that's exactly what it means.
I don't watch Hallmark to avoid homosexual content. I watch Hallmark for cheesy, formulaic Christmas movies that are mostly romances set at Christmas time, and include a lot of Christmas décor. A lot of times these movies have single parents, either by divorce, or death. I'm not sure that divorce and second marriages are the perfect ideal of marriage either.
Hallmark is one of the last bastions for straight, white, wholesome heterosexual relationships. Promoting the ideal of being married and raising a family. How many other networks depict heterosexual relationships striving for the ideal of marriage?
So, do you have an issue with any Hallmark movie which has a non white couple as well? Out of the Hallmark movies released this year, 0.025% have a homosexual couple as the main couple in the movie. 75% have straight, white couples as their leads. The rest do have at least one person who is not white in a lead role.
That's 75%. That's pretty much in line with the demographics of the USA. So I don't think it's a slippery slope. I think it reflects reality. I do not see white couples being disparaged, I do not anywhere people saying don't be straight. I may see studios trying to broaden their appeal, and as a business, I can't say that I would only cater to straight, white people. reply share
A lot of times these movies have single parents, either by divorce, or death. I'm not sure that divorce and second marriages are the perfect ideal of marriage either.
As I said, they're striving for an ideal. The ideal being that marriage can help make a person more productive or conducive for a wholesome society. Start a family, or raise a family well and plant seeds for the next generation. Those ideals are how we managed to grow as a human civilization up to this point.
That's 75%. That's pretty much in line with the demographics of the USA. So I don't think it's a slippery slope.
Except that's one channel. Every other channel is most certainly not in line with 75% of America's demographic. Now where's a channel that caters SOLELY and ONLY to that demographic the way BET or Logo or OutTV does?
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The real question here should be, why do they care about shoving their ideology into Christian films? They own the secular film industry and tv now, why should they care if a small Christian studio makes films the way they want? Or does the Rainbow Mafia have an ax to grind with Christians and want to wipe them out of all known entertainment?
Which also begs another question: has anybody seen any heterosexual romances or relationships on tv lately that weren't broken, messed-up, or nonexistent?
The real question here should be, why do they care about shoving their ideology into Christian films?
Because it's about control for them. They want to indoctrinate everyone, everywhere. Don't be surprised if the ESG somehow manages to coerce the new GAC to somehow include "inclusive" content at some point int he future.
Which also begs another question: has anybody seen any heterosexual romances or relationships on tv lately that weren't broken, messed-up, or nonexistent?
I stopped watching TV a while ago, but I asked this very same question above.
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My mom told me about where their true psyche lies. She heard about them in the 1960s when living in California as a teen. The gay community was (and probably still is) bitterly jealous of the all the "privileges" straight people seem to enjoy but they don't. Ever since the Stonewall Riots in that era, they've been wanting revenge and have spent 50 years doing their own version of the Long March Through The Institutions to change America into their own warped, twisted image.
A very telling look at the soul of their lifestyle, ideology, and movement can be summed up in a movie scene I heard about while doing research about the rainbow mafia online. I don't know which movie this is, how long ago it was made, who starred in it, any of that. All I know is, the article I read described a scene where there are two men in bed together, and one of them says to the other that the world would be a better place if they could just get rid of all the straights.
You are correct. They don't want equality. They want dominance, revenge, and our kids for their own twisted pleasures. I've seen them for what they are, and nobody can convince me they are "harmless" and "just want to live normal lives" the way they want. Nothing a member of the rainbow cult does is harmless, and I have yet to see anything positive come out of their demand for special privileges and dominance since fake gay marriage was made "legal" in 2015.
And yeah, I haven't been able to watch many tv shows or movies in the past 6 years because they keep shoving gay characters into the forefront of a lot of them, and they ruin the entire story for me.