MovieChat Forums > Alice Braga Discussion > 'I Am Legend' Idiot for not recognizing...

'I Am Legend' Idiot for not recognizing an Icon?

She claims to have never heard of Bob Marley in this movie? I am Legend, when Will Smith is playing his music on the stereo. What a foolish plothole, and a terrible line for any Latin person in this day in age. I lost complete respect for the character when she said this. I have never listened to reggae, yet I still have an awareness of Bob Marley?


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Not everyone listens to Reggae i


I don't listen to it either, nor do I listen to Marley, but c'mon, I know who he is.


I thought they said she was from Ireland or some other European nation. Not, Spain.

*Yes, I understand that Spain is in Europe. But I meant northern Europe.*


who cares. any movie will smith does is garbage.


I'm sure there are people in the world who don't know who he is.
You could say she was uninformed or ignorant, but that is far from idiotic.
If you're going to call someone an idiot, I would call Will Smith's character an idiot for saying, "there is no God." But after what he went through, I can understand him having doubts.


For every scientist you can name that's an atheist, I could name at least one who's not. God gave everyone the ability to reason, but each chooses how to use it. Many people rely too much on physical intellect, and deny their "spiritual intellect" (I guess that's how I would describe it).

I have heard of Peter Tosh. I don't care much for that type of music.
