MovieChat Forums > Jolene Blalock Discussion > She is one scary looking chick!

She is one scary looking chick!

I don't get the hub-bub, bub.


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I don`t think so I think she is the most beautiful woman in the world


Well, I for one think she has a very attractive face. I guess years and years of seeing women the studios have deemed as "perfect" has screwed up everyone's idea of what true beauty really is, because this woman has it.

Plus, the curves, man. The curves. This woman's got more curves than J. Lo's behind.


I guess that's your opinion. She's really got an intense and serious look, but I think she's definitely attractive. She reminds me of Angelina Jolie in some ways, though more stable. :) You rock, Jolene.


I agree, shes pretty freakin hot
Go here and look at this picture of her: theres no way you could call her ugly after seeing that.

"We are all in the gutter; but some of us are looking at the stars."-Oscar Wilde


She looks like plastic surgery gone bad... And too skinny. Bones are definitely not attractive.


"Too Skinny". good for her. she's not a fat cow like so many others.
