Stupid Woman

"Nudity is natural but not until a person accepts and loves who they are."

Loves who they are?

Says a woman who has chopped her body from top to bottom.

What kind of example is this plastic bimbo to young actresses?

Ms Blalock, talking a load of blalocks.

PS If she was a GOOD actress she would be working CONSTANTLY. Check out the best actors from the ST franchise, and you will see what I mean.

Colin Meaney is a prime example.


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Granted, she may not be winning any awards for mental prowess anytime soon, but come on...we all know that her sole purpose on Enterprise was to play the role of "Trek Babe". She wasn't hired for her vast acting abilities.

As far as her love-hate relationship with her body...I don't know, I can't really comment because I have no proof that she had any surgery done. Her breasts are almost certainly fake, but I say that only because seem abnormally large for someone with such a thin frame.

Regarding good actors working constantly, that's not always the case, unfortunately. Look at Armin Shimerman (Quark, from DS9). He's an amazing actor...but look at his credits. They're completely unworthy of his abilities, and it's obvious that he only accepts those roles to earn a paycheck, but they're well beneath his talents.


she chopped her body from top to bottom?yes, her lips are too huge but her body is skin and bone and the size of her breast is 2 and about working several years ago Michael Douglas said that in Hollywood there are many good actors/actresses standing in the shadow because there is too much favoritism.


Sounds like somebody is jealous of Jolene's beauty...


Colin Meaney is a prime example.

I believe you mean Colm Meaney. You can help change the world.


"Sounds like somebody is jealous of Jolene's beauty..."

From your avatar title, it'd probably be safe to say that you're a strong feminist. I look up to those who stand for strength/power, but your post put a huge dent in your self-esteem. In other words, it's not a good idea to put up such an OBVIOUS sign on yourself, stating your personal matters. You might as well posted, "I SUCK, but I trick myself out of thinking so."


You're probably just a fat ugly woman that wants attention from men.She's hot and you'll never even be that close. You fail.


Speaking of actresses in general, if their lips get any bigger, their faces are going to explode. Why do so many actresses think gigantic lips look good? It doesn't look natural or youthful.

Message to actresses:
Think about it. Do you really want to look like you glued gummy worms to your lips? Please leave your lips alone. Maybe if you geniuses would stop smoking cigarettes and guzzling coffee, your lips wouldn't get all thin and wrinkly.

------------------------ - Free nude pixels.
