Should play Jack Torrence in The Shining remake
I think he is in the same sor of mould as Jack Nickelson and Jack Black would be perfect for the lead role if they ever did a remake of the shining.
shareI think he is in the same sor of mould as Jack Nickelson and Jack Black would be perfect for the lead role if they ever did a remake of the shining.
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shareWell knowing Hollywood they will do a remake at sometime in the future I just could see Jack Black in that role.
sharethat would only be good if it was a Ben Stiller directed horror spoof with Black playing it straight and not over the top haha. Doubt that will ever be re-done with big stars.
shareMaybe a spoof would be the way to go then One flew over is one of my favorite films.
shareYes, he'd be perfect! He's got the crazy eyes like Jack Nicholson does.
"Sleep is for sissies."
If they were ever to make a remake, I feel that Jim Carrey should play Jack Torrance.
Jim Carrey is awesome at playing crazy and I also think he is a good a versatile actor. Like in Truman Show when he becomes paranoid and drives all over the place and tries to escape (he would act this way, but with less comedic effect). I believe he acts similar to the way Jack Torrance was portrayed by Nicholson.
As for Jack Black, I'm not so sure. I will say, I think he is a little shorter than Nicholson, and I think in order to make Torrance a seemingly dangerous and terrifying character, all aspects must be just right. I think a taller actor would seem more of a danger than a shorter one. That being said Jack Nicholson was 5', Jack Black is , and Jim Carrey is .