MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > ONLY “78,000 Pounds” of baby formula?

ONLY “78,000 Pounds” of baby formula?

That’s not enough! Grampa Joe is going to go hungry well before any baby does! Can you imagine if the US ran out of something that Brandon needs….like Depends or Viagara?


Quite amusing this was all intended to go to third world countries and it's being redirected to the US as Biden is a total buffoon. So now lots of POCs will be without because of old, white US politicians scheming lol.


I never thought I'd live to see the day when other developed countries had to ship humanitarian aid to the United States, the wealthiest country on the planet, and not because of an earthquake, hurricane, or other natural disaster. It's purely because of the incompetence and stupidity of the clown posse that is running the show in Washington.


Putin should send a plane load of it to the US. That would be a legendary fuck you to Biden.


Lol that would be all time.


The Democrats have literally made the US a 3rd world country. Who could’ve have seen this coming? Well anyone who looked at the dozens of shithole cities around the country they’ve run for the last 50-100 years.

Any questions?


yaaa cause private business doing this themselves is the democrats fault. derp derp


I see you have no idea about the US government's involvement here with monopolies of four businesses controlling around 90% of the market of baby formula and how they make it difficult for other companies to compete in this space...

Perhaps know what you're talking about next time before you comment.


Yes welcome to American failed unregulated pro monopoly capitalism. did the dems implement it? Biden specifically? its also 3 companies not 4.perhaps know what you are talking about next time you comment.

hey how's moms basement? still on reddit looking up child sex videos?


Biden could have fixed it. He wasted no time with implementing EOs destroying women's sport...

You're lying if you say you wouldn't be blaming Trump right if this happened under his watch.

You're still obsessed with fantasizing about children getting molested I see. The FBI are going to kick in your front door one day you sick fuck.


Biden could have fixed it. He wasted no time with implementing EOs destroying women's sport..."

again. 50 year program. the feds give the money. the states including republicans oversee it. yet Bidens to blame?

You're still obsessed with fantasizing about children getting molested I see. The FBI are going to kick in your front door one day you sick fuck."

im making fun of you. I dont use a VPN. I dont have any sort of wiping program. and I would HAPPILY hand over my computer and search history to the most thorough of capable FBI investigators and not even be the slightest bit nervous.

but with you obsessed warriors who call others groomers for making fun of you. there tends to be a disproportionate of creepy fucked up pedos in your ranks. kinda like the church. Its probably the guilt, mixed with thinking if they are the holier than though inquisitors they won't themselves be questioned.

I wouldn't bet on your computer being clean


For someone obsessed with fantasizing about children getting molested, I don't think for a second any of your devices are remotely clean.


wanna bring our laptops together to the nearest in state police department? we can both say it was hacked and we are extremely concerned they used it to download questionable content?

im 100% game. which state you in? ill bring my phone, laptop and iPad.


Tbh, I want to stay as far away as possible from you. Who knows what I could catch from you and what lists I'd be added to if your FBI surveillance put me down as one of your acquaintances.


Thats what I thought. what do you call it? "groomer"

cause I have absolutely nothing to hide. I mean FBI may give me a high five for my amazing collection of hot asian porn.

meanwhile I guarantee you'd be in a cell for what you have


Yeah. Groomer. That's what we call you people. Well remembered.


nooo thats what you are called. and based on how cagey you became when I suggested we get our computers checked its pretty clear who is the one "protesting too much"

you are obviously sick in the head. I hope you get help. or jailed. eithers good


Says the guy obsessed with fantasizing about children being molested...


wait what? cause you literally repeated "okay groomer" 15 times im obsessed? damn the self projection. I guarantee if anyones being watched its you


I suggest you read back through your posts. Perhaps it might shock you to see how often you go on about molesting children.



like when you repeated "groomer" 15 times in one thread alone? more than I have in my entire 2900 posts on here

wowww you truly live in la la land


I think you meant to respond to RDH(although I often comment "ok groomer" on their posts just to mess with them!)


whoops ya my bad. the gas a grown adult with a warcraft name. 100% still in the parents basement and doing illegal stuff. hes way too obsessed with this not to be


like when you repeated "groomer" 15 times in one thread alone? more than I have in my entire 2900 posts on here

wowww you truly live in la la land


We both know I said "ok groomer" due to your constant bringing up that you fantasize about children being molested.


yes the point is you repeated groomer 15 times. it doesn't matter what context. the point is you are claiming im obsessed, while its clearly your entire focus 24/7

"We both know I said "ok groomer" due to your constant bringing up that you fantasize about children being molested."

LOLOLLOLOL quotation please of me fantasizing. ill wait


As I said. That response was all you're worth.

I'm not going through all your old posts. We both know you have brought up your obsession of "fat Donnie molesting his children" or words to that effect multiple times which means you are obviously fixated on this fantasy. Therefore, you are sick in the head and need help.


"I'm not going through all your old posts"

lol soo I never said that. good thanks

"We both know you have brought up your obsession of "fat Donnie molesting his children" or words to that effect multiple times which means you are obviously fixated on this fantasy."

NOW I KNOW you re an outright disgusting liar. as I have NEVER brought it up once. not once. not even his questionable statements about any women no matter how foul. as I see them as low hanging pointless fruit unrelated to any politics

WOW you are a disgusting liar who has invented stuff in your little head. this is what happens when you are an unhinged right winger.

your grasp on reality is tentative at best kid


Ha. You are a proper lunatic. Denying your own words. You are pathetic. Go back and read your posts. Perhaps you suffer with dementia?


I cant read words I never wrote retard

and since you won't provide evidence, I can dismiss your lies without evidence.

you are a fucking clown


Go. Back. And. Read. Your. Own. Posts. Fucknut.


I. Know. what. I wrote. fucknut.

soo you re a confirmed liar.

your concession is noted. you

-lied about me talking about trump

-you won't provide evidence because I never said it

disingenuous liar confirmed ;)


If you think I'm going to spend a single second of my day going back through your brainless posts to copy and paste all the times you've posted that you fantasize about children being molested, you are very, very wrong.

We both know you've brought it up numerous times so I don't know why you're suddenly pretending you didn't.

Are you having some sort of mental breakdown?


"If you think I'm going to spend a single second of my day going back through your brainless posts to copy and paste all the times you've posted that you fantasize about children being molested, you are very, very wrong."

NO what you SAID was

"We both know you have brought up your obsession of "fat Donnie molesting his children" or words to that effect multiple times which means you are obviously fixated on this fantasy. "

SO provide evidence clown. WOW you don't even remember what you said a day ago! and cant even scroll up and check!

Alzheimer's? or just general stupidity


Are you seriously saying the fact you constantly bring up the nonsense idea that Trump molested his children doesn't mean you fantasize about children being molested? Because that is what happened in your claims.

It's a fantasy. All in your head. It's not real. Never happened. It's down to your TDS and your messed up brain.

Or are you now saying you've never said Trump molested his children?


saying the fact you constantly bring up the nonsense idea that Trump molested his children doesn't mean you fantasize about children being molested?



im not only saying I never said it now, I never said it before. you fucking dellusional liar


Well then you're a pathetic liar.



As I said 4 posts ago

which you are clearly so dumb you didnt read. ive never brought up any of trumps alleged/confirmed sexual exploits of ANY kind because I think they are low hanging fruit.

YOU invented this whole fucking thing in your head clown


it's funny cause even on google you can type "movie "leodicaprio" trump" and see EVEYR comments ive brought up about trump. theres about 10 of them mentioning him

NOT A SIGNLE MENTIONS HIM with kids of his sex life.
so again. you are a fucking liar


damn bidens responsible for a program brought in in 1972!

""So what are the components of this? There's a couple of components, but this is basically a monopoly problem. And when you look at shortages in almost every instance, it's usually because you have one or two or three suppliers of some vital good. And, oh, one of the factories, often they're regulated. They're not taking care of the factory. Then it goes out and gets shut down and boom, there's a shortage. And that is what happened here."

ya wouldn't want those baby formula producing factories inspected too hard. what could go wrong if we just let them self regulate!


Again, you fail to see the issue. Biden knew about the monopoly but he left it as it and decided to focus on nonsense. You think this is purely about regulation? lol

You're saying you can't see the issue in a handful of companies having a monopoly on something as important as baby formula? It was inevitable that if one plant goes down, there will be a shortage.


"Again, you fail to see the issue. Biden knew about the monopoly but he left it as it and decided to focus on nonsense. You think this is purely about regulation? lol"

ummm what?!?!?!?!? again the program came in in 1972. he didnt cause this. your re asking why Biden couldn't force the future and end a program he didnt invent. New conservative idiotic low criticism

"FUCKING democrats can see into the future!!!"

"You're saying you can't see the issue in a handful of companies having a monopoly on something as important as baby formula? It was inevitable that if one plant goes down, there will be a shortage."

well to my knowledge and I could be wrong, it hasn't in 50 years since ints implementation.

but again, new stupid ass conservative criticism

"HOW COULD BIDEN not see that a program thats worked for 50 years would stop now!! democrats bad!"

The states are the ones who make the monopoly agreements with the manufacturers. yet Bidens responsible?


What? Who is claiming Biden was responsible for starting the program?


where the fuck did I say he started the program? wow reading is hard. cause im clearly saying how ridiculous it is that you are attacking him for not ENDING a program that began 50 years years and not foreseeing it would have this problem.


It certainly seems reading is hard for you otherwise you wouldn't have kept bringing up when the program started and why Biden couldn't predict the future...


yes because my point its a long program with a long history. so blaming biden for not foreseeing the problems that only manifested now is dumb

and I have problems reading? kid you are dumb as fuck


You're entitled to your dumb opinion that this was never a ticking time bomb.


hahah what a fucking cop out hahahah

you say dumb shit. I call you out. you claim I said something I never did. I ask you to show where I did. and best you got is that?

yaa a 50 year ticking time bomb? again that the republican states themselves are part of?? that the feds simply release funds, the states handle the rest?

and widens to blame?

you are dumb AF


Ha. I love that you're documenting your low intelligence for the world to see.


nice rebuttal. you know i've totally exposed your nonsense comment blaming biden for something the states are responsible for and that has been around 50 years. and this is all you have.

as I said. dumb AF


You seem to have a severe lack of understanding considering all you can post is
BiDeN WaSn't tHeRe wHeN It wAs cReAtEd sO He cAnT Do aNyThInG AbOuT It


"You seem to have a severe lack of understanding considering all you can post is
BiDeN WaSn't tHeRe wHeN It wAs cReAtEd sO He cAnT Do aNyThInG AbOuT It"

thats why I never said that...... wow readings hard when half your screen is naked kiddos


I don't believe you don't know what paraphrasing is.

There you go again with your fantasies and projection. You truly are a sick individual. Get some help.


"I don't believe you don't know what paraphrasing is.

LOOOOOOOOLLL apparently you dont. because that isnt the essence of what I said. fuck you are dumb.

when we bringing out laptops to the police? im down


Ah. So you actually don't know. I guess that makes sense for someone like you.

You're awfully confident for someone that clearly has a shit tonne of illegal, gross stuff on your laptop.


"because that isnt the essence of what I said. "

fuck reading sure is hard spazo.

lets go man. im ready to meet anytime at any police station. pick one


I'm sure you can find some local adult learning centers and do evening classes if you're struggling with your reading comprehension.


hahah thats what I thought. FBI will be showing up soon


Let's hope so. The sooner you're in jail, the sooner the children near you are safe.


I meant you clearly. your obsession points to something wrong.


Yes. Something is very wrong with you. No doubt the FBI have a big, fat file on you considering your disgusting, illegal obsessions.


What is a "shit tonne"? Is that something found only in red state trailer parks?


It's this thing that you can Google.


Nothing under "shit tonne."


Listen, it's not my job to teach you English.


Is "shit tonne" found in the red state trailer park dictionary for the illiterate?


OK. I'll play along. You have zero understanding of what the words shit and tonne mean?

If so, if you paid for any part of your education, I suggest you request a refund.


Ah, "the metric ton" or a "proxy for energy."


damn the liar sure ran away quick


You just bore me. I have a life. With actual responsibilities. I can't spend all my time talking to morons like you, sitting in their mum's basement, pretending they have anything going for them. You're simply not worth my time.


amazing! cause before you had hours and hours and hours and I was worth your time. when you just spammed "groomer" for literally hours and hours.

and the one time you are asked to back up your assertions about what I said. you run like a bitch.

I even gave you the means to find my ENTIRE trump comment history. and now you have all the excuses in the world. you are truly a pathetic coward and bitch. the weakest type of person on this site.




amazing you can come back and write this but "don't have time to spend 3 minutes on google/.

you lost


Please do spend more of your time typing another post I'll be sure not not bother to read a word of.


soo you lied about my trump comments. and are running away.

its okay boy. and you are a boy. a sad cowardly boy who will lever be a man


Go on, make another post


I know I embarrassed you and this is your cop out. how sad you are such a bitch


Go on. Post again lol


too you lied. as long as everyone here knows ur a pathetic lying scumbag


Why are you so obsessed with me? So fucking creepy.


so cant admit you lied. sooo pathetic


Reply again to confirm you're obsessed with me.


I AM obsessed with destroying you. making sure everyone knows you are a lying scumbag. it gives me joy


Ha. You fucking loser. Get a life.


soo you lied?


Still obsessed with me huh? At least you've stopped sending me PMs. That was truly creepy. You paedo nutcase.


so you cant man up and admit you lied?

are you a bitch in real life too or just on the internet?


Oh. Looks like the PMs have started again.

Now I know how children feel when you go near them you creepy fuck.


soooo you lied and can't man up bitch?


Tell me, are you more obsessed with me or CSAM?


So can you admit you lied. man up for once. its really easy. I cant say it'll sting your dignity because you have none.

but at least you can kinda save face


Probably obsessed with me and CSAM equally huh?


too you cant man up and admit you lied about me talking about trump?

shit you get bullied in real life too? is this why this site is your only outlet?


Stop PMing me links to your favourite dark web CSAM sites you sick fuck.


umm what? what's csam? ill post screenshots of our convo to show you are lying yet again. give me a few mins


And now you're linking to bestiality. What is wrong with you?

reply lying rogue at it again!


Ha. I love it. Documenting your mental breakdown.


one of us is calling out the others lies. one is screaming "reeeeee" while lying


I'm living rent free in your head. Lots of room in here lol.


ummm okay... so you re a liar? confirming you are a weak lying bitch?


Do you think you'll ever not be obsessed with me?


do you think you will ever move out of your moms basement and stop playing World of warcraft?

no wonder you are a weak bitch


I'm guessing you're very physically weak. Is that why you prey on children?


im 220, 6 foot 1 and workout daily lol. its why I constantly chastise conservative gun toters on here for being little bitches for needing a gun because they are incapable themselves.

you sure do fantasize about that a lot


Ha ha. OK. Sure you are lol. You clearly don't understand the second amendment if that's how you view matters.


its literally the least impressive thing, for anyone natty who has put in 5 years at the gym. But you wouldn't know that. you re a pasty 140lb loser.

I have a degree in poli sci you dumb fuck. while you are a nobody WOW player obsessed with kids.

your life is trash.


Does it make you feel good? To pretend you have a life on the Internet and mean anything to anyone? I'm embarrassed for you.

I think you've forgotten you're the paedo here...Everyone agrees.


I dont have to pretend anything. the fact you think what I said is amazing and remarkable shows you dont know anything at all about working out.

and are a sad little bitch


Please point out where I said I thought your claims were "amazing"...

You're an absolute loser.


you re bewildered by the fact someone has moderate gym progress. shows you re a small bitch

soo gunna admit finally you lied about what I didnt say about trump?


Please point out where I was bewildered lol...I bet the world looks pretty good in this weird little alternate reality you're created for yourself huh?

You going to admit you're a paedo?


"Please point out where I was bewildered lol"

there you go

"Ha ha. OK. Sure you are lol"

shock and disbelief someone had moderate gym gains. you must be a small btich

"You going to admit you're a paedo? "

yes you said im a pedo cause I even obsessed over trump having sex with kids.

so show me where is aid that clown :) im waiting little dog


Jesus Christ. Your grasp on reality really is poor if that's what you're getting from my comment.

Again, "shock and disbelief" lol. What planet are you on? This is sad. You're coming across like one of those hysterical women on The View.

Though I suppose you're the sort of person that thinks someone who wants to live life with minimal government interference is an "extremist" lol.


sop again have you come to a admit you lied about what I said about trump???

lol nice subject change though clown. what's living in the parents basement like?


Ah, so you're admitting to being a paedo?

That's how this works right? I read something and apply my own interpretation to your words?


soo are you going to man up for one in your life and admit you lied?

everything you've said about me being a pedophilic obsessed person has been proven just made-up delusions in your head.

stay dumb and a pathetic liar


You support democrat paedo policies. Therefore, paedo.


hahahahahahah everything pedo po0licy now.

get help man. I guarantee your laptop is full of illegal content

you re way too obsessed with this


Funny how you people always make claims of projecting but who are the ones actually getting arrested for that gross shit? Oh wait, it's you people...


ive been arrested? when? is that hwy you didnt want to go to the police station with your laptop?

so gunna man up and admit you lied?


Oh, you've been arrested? About time.


are you illiterate you fat beta?


Your mommy had a little too much crack when she was pregnant with you huh?


so you lied right? what a beta make obsessed with touching children


At least now you're admitting to being a beta obsessed with touching children you sick fuck.

The world would be better off without you in it.


so you've come to admit you lied?

without me? aww the self projection of your own suffering. there's help out there for you


Since when did I say that? You struggle with reading huh?

Now go and get some therapy for your sick mind.


yes your child obssesed sick mind.

its pretty clear your re suffering serious mental issues and need help


lol. Projection, projection, projection. One of your coping strategies for dealing with the evil inside you.


my coping strategies?? by saying "prove what you said I said"

LOL you must be slow. makes sense why you are into kids. you are at their level


Reply to this to confirm once and for all for everyone to see that you're a paedo.


LOOOOL so like the equivalent of when children say "losers say what"

hahahahahahahaha you are a literal child mentally

its true most kids are liars too. wow what a pathetic loser you are


Ahaha. All you had to do was literally nothing and you couldn't help yourself.

Thanks for confirming you're a paedo you sick fuck.

At least you won't be able to catch children as you're probably morbidly obese and can't get up the stairs in your mom's basement.


I know basically "losers say what". an actual "adult" using what small kids do in school.

at least we confirmed mentally you see yourself as a small child. this only further lends to the credence you actually are into kids


So how far are you legally required to stay away from schools on the account that you're a paedo?


so you've come to admit you lied about what I said about trump?

you've finally decided "im tired of being a lying piece of shit. im going to man up for once in my pathetic life"



That's great you're finally admitting you're tired of being a lying piece of shit. and are going to man up for once in your pathetic life.

Fantastic news.


yes so you are finally admitting you made up me talking abut trump.

damn your life must be so pathetic


I'm glad to see you've come around to embracing the brilliance of President Trump. I'm sure you'll be wearing your red MAGA cap with pride.


yes so you lied about me making those comments about trump? you sad sack of shit


Ah, so you're admitting to lying about Trump now. Glad we cleared that up. You're still a sick paedo though who will burn in hell.


yes I provided the links to my comments about trump. showing YOU LIED you sack of shit


So how many Trump rallies have you been to? A lot I guess.


oh look changing the subject like a bitch. so you are admitting you lied about what I said?


You're finally admitting to being a paedo?


soo you lied? man up


I'm guessing you're pro banning the word groomer on Twitter?


someone needs to check your laptop. you are guaranteed interested in kids.


Back to projecting I see. I think groomers like you need to be locked up and de brainwashed whereas you think it's a sexual preference. Hmmm, I wonder who is truly against that sick shit...


I commend you for putting Leo in his place but I feel I need to inform you that this fucker is a full fledged psycho, he sent me over 4 pages of very disturbing PMs, he needs to be in an institution and I seriously had to teach him the definitions of “probably” and “almost”


Yeah. The guy is completely unhinged. Sending me links what is blatantly CSAM. It's quite sad really. He has to have the last say even if he's responding to nothing. Absolute loser that should not be allowed online.


lol two liars in a circle jerk. sorry what is CSAM?


It's why you're not allowed within 400 feet of a school.


sounds like you arent. its hwy you wouldn't meet at a station with your laptop. id bet everything I own you are being watched by the FBI for child material


Carry on with that projecting


guna man up bitch?


You can only dream of being as manly as I am.


I guarantee no one has ever thought that in all of your life. you are a weak beta


lol judging from your post history, you’re the beta here


kids are still starving and dying but I guess thats what dems want. sick


no one is paying attention to your trolling and attention begging


soo salty im owning you on that. hey try and change the definitions again clown. ill destroy you again :)


Everyone hates you, that’s not my fault


lol you mean the one guy who calls everyone a pedo and lies? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH you will altch not anyone no matter how provably crazy they are to "score points" good luck ith that


LOL like you give a damn about pedos considering you voted for a motherfucker who raped his daughter in the shower then used the FBI to hunt down and destroy the evidence. Many people have PMed me about your behavior and we are all very concerned about you and what a pathetic loser you are.




You voted for an incontinent rapist who ruined his daughters life. And yeah you are a very special poster on this forum, there are many users on here who are legitimately concerned about your behavior.


Some dumb leftist will come at you with "leftist" logic about how it's better now because we are all the same, and America is no longer more powerful, wealthy, and simply a better place to live. Thanks vile, evil, racist, lefitist for making America a shit hole.


damn cuckservatives sure want, what do they call it? communism? haven't you guys been screaming how the government being involved at all is a communist takeover? and now you are literally begging for them to do more


Wait a min, you're actually admitting your a democrat at this point? I thought all of you libtards whack jobs have jumped ship by now.


wow talk about not addressing my point at all.....

yaa man ill join the republicans instead. with geniuses like ted cruz and trump LOL


You should


yaa with genius plans like only one entrance and exit from a school. what could go wrong!!

its republicans in a nut shell. dont address the cause, address the effect. and not even well. come up with a stupid ass plan. and have sad puppets like you so biased you will give up all intelligent thought to defend your team

how sad you cant even admit thats a bad idea. congrats


Don’t like it, build your own baby formula factory.


How can I do that? I’m not in cahoots with Russia and China like that Soviet Chink in the Oval Office making billions of dollars while citizens live in a third world country.


When they were showing the footage loading the plane, I thought that wouldn't even be enough to stock a single costco.


Notice the Demokkkrats never change their policies that created the problems to begin with.

From high housing costs to high gas prices to high education costs to high taxes.

They drive costs up, then want to be the ones to hand out credits to the lemmings they enslave. Thus keeping their control.


I like how the lunatic leftists on these boards don't actually care about the formula shortage or yhe potential for starving babies ... They just want to ensure that it's "not Biden's fault".



It's how trump said, but it's happening to biden: if biden goes out in the streets and kills 10 random humans democrats would blame anyone but biden. most probably would say that it was trump's fault.


I thought pretty similarly when there weren’t enough masks, hand sanitizer, or toilet paper to go around a couple of years back. 🤔

However, I blamed that on my neighbor, because he had suspicious eyes and he drove a large foreign vehicle 🤨. I think he worked for the libs 😳
