It's important that Trump be prosecuted for his countless financial crimes. And he will be, the Southern District of New York is ready to move as soon as he's out of office. Within a year or two he'll be on trial. He may only receive a ten or fifteen year sentence when all is said and done, but at his age that's basically life. They need to get him into a prison facility and cut him off from regular communication with the outside world. No phone, no internet. Let him rot and be forgotten.
Of course it won't permanently solve the problem of a sizable minority of the US population being ripe for fascism. Who would've guessed? I'm sorry, but what the Trump voters want is a demagogue. We've had the most useless, incompetent, and corrupt President in US history. All he's done is yell, rage, play golf, watch Fox News, tweet, and use his office to make money and punish anyone who dares stand against him. It's continued to amaze me how low the standards of so many Americans have fallen.
If I got up on stage and strutted and bragged about how wonderful I am, how much everyone else sucks, was rude to foreign leaders, belched in their faces, crushed a beer can against my forehead during a press conference, would people say I was just being unconventional, shaking things up? If Trump is any indication the answer is yes. Is this really all red state voters are looking for? So unconventional is just code for being an asshole every waking second. You can't find a single inspirational quote that's come from Trump's mouth in four years! Not one. Everything he says sounds like it came from a middle school bully. Childish, petty, vindictive. It would all sound perfectly natural in the voice of Eric Cartman. Seriously. Next time the Big Orange Buffoon speaks imagine Cartman's voice and tell me I'm wrong.
Do Republican voters actually not realize this is all he is? That there's nothing more to him than the rallies? Do they not see that he almost never tells the truth? I don't get it. The desire for change I understand. I want that too. Just not his type of change. He's the poster child for the billionaire class - everything he's done in office has benefited the wealthy elite and big corporations, and hurt everyone else. Yet in some parts of the country those very people he hurts are his biggest supporters. Sociologists and historians are going to have a field day for years trying to analyze that.
Maybe the problem is, too many of them listen to what HE says he's done instead of doing their own homework. He takes credit for the actions of others, even Barack Obama who he hates for no good reason, while dodging any blame for his own failures. All his mistakes are someone else's fault. And Fox serves as his mouthpiece. They shouldn't be allowed to call themselves a news network. At one time they were basically a conservative version of CNN, but not anymore. Now they're pure partisan propaganda.
Republican voters and Republican politicians are two different things though. I don't think most of said voters truly understand that. These fakers get up there and scare them with BS, warning about socialism and "They're comin' for yer guns!", but when they get to Washington they do what Republican politicians always do. Work for the wealthy donors. Literally every single thing they do is for corporations and the rich. Not a single thing for the little guy. I'm reminded of that scene in Animal House where the frat is doing their initiation, and a brother in his underwear is being paddled on the ass. Every time he says "Thank you sir, may I have another?". Just like every four years the people in red states re-elect guys like Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell to go back and screw them over again.