MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > Isn't it funny that Biden is blaming a m...

Isn't it funny that Biden is blaming a man who...

...has only been in office for two years for the countries problems when he was in the Senate for 36 years and Vice President for 8.

So Trump has actually been fixing the problems Biden & Co. (Dems & RINOS) have made possible or caused.


Veep had/has no power.

And what problems is Trump fixing by tearing up global warming treaties, tearing up peace treaties with Iran, cutting taxes for his rich pals, and locking children in cages?


He was the "first officer" to the president; I'd call that power -- for eight freakin' years. And what did it get us? Horrible racial tension, a lousy economy with no "shovel ready jobs," failed green investments (e.g. Solyndra), gross scandals (e.g. IRS targeting conservatives and Fast & Furious with Holder’s ensuing resignation) and unbelievable incompetence (e.g. Benghazi and the Bowe Bergdahl farce), absurd rainbow lights at the White House and mentally ill men legally permitted in the women's restrooms.

RE: "tearing up global warming treaties"

I guess you didn't hear that "global warming" is a grand hoax with an agenda, which is substantiated by many scientists not part of that agenda: I encourage you to quit gulping down whatever Leftist Academia and the lamestream media claims to be "undeniable truth."

RE: "tearing up peace treaties with Iran"

NObama's giving $1.7 billion cash to Iran was a joke; it's astonishing that you think otherwise.

RE: "locking children in cages"

Actually, those initial pics of children in cages were from the NObama era, not the Trump era. And, yes, illegal children were put in cages at the border when NObama & Biden were in office. I guess you didn't get the memo. Look it up.

And, by the way, what is our government supposed to do when illegal immigrants try to illegally enter this country bringing children with them, typically to gain sympathy (and often NOT their children)? There ARE legal ways to enter this country and become citizens. Those who refuse to do this are CRIMINALS and should be treated as criminals. And, incidentally, no one's abusing kids at the border, generally speaking. But, even if there is some suffering, the answer is simple (aduh): DON'T try to enter the USA illegally. What is it about this don't you get?


When you're dealing with liberals, youre dealing with mental cases.


Which explains why they've earned the more fitting name LIEberals -- practically everything they believe & support is a LIE, one way or another.


How about rethuglikans? Re-imaging words isn't a coherent argument. So just continue your ugly rampage against thoughtful democracy. You might win, as many fascist movements have. But history won't judge you well.


Dems/Libs are the true fascists even though they perpetually preach on "tolerance" (Why Sure!) They "tolerate" everyone/everything except those of Judeo-Christian ideology, as well as normal people, police, Caucasians (especially males), the two genders (male/female), national borders, just laws in general (spiritual and natural), normal sex, truth (reality), independence, guns for protection, etc., etc.

Needless to say, LIEberals are the biggest hypocrites.


I'm not a Republican, I'm an Independent; so call 'em whatever you want.


Lol this is the same guy who tried to argue the nazis were actually left wing socialists lol.

he things using bolding makes him intelligent


he things using bolding makes him intelligent [sic]

Just a suggestion, my friend: Learn how to spell/write before mocking your opponent's intelligence.


just a suggestion. this isnt a university paper. must of kit L instead of K and it auto corrected to things.

lol nice rebuttal or your reimagined history kid hahahah.


lol nice rebuttal or your reimagined history kid hahahah.

What's really funny (as opposed to your mock "laughter") is that I never said what you claim I did about the Nazis; you have me mixed up with someone else. If you deny this -- by all means -- cite one of my posts where I said it.

So, once again, you royally flubbed up your supposed rebuke of an opponent.

Also, you evidently don't grasp that Far Left and Far Right are two sides of the same bad coin; they're both characterized by uncharitable tyranny (intolerance), "Big Government" and the corresponding idolatry, etc. The problem with the USA today -- and Western civilization in general -- isn't the Far Right, but rather the Far Left and its intrinsic Liberal Fascism, e.g. Antifa, who -- ironically & laughably -- are the 'height' of fascism.

Lastly, you still have yet to learn that hollow bluster is not an effective debate strategy. It's just empty wannabe-cool braying & swaggering. Grow up.


Lol this guy thinks bolding makes him smart.

hahah ohh ya I know all those ANtifa elected democrats. they have so much power... Oh wait


Like I said, hollow (Leftist) bluster. Why even bother replying?


Yes I know. you make ridiculous statements lol.

ya that super powerful antics is the real threat. while right wing extremist violence and hate crimes are at a high.

go back on 4chan and tell everyone how the "lefty socialist" bullied you


I merely gave Antifa as a glaring example of Liberal Fascism, but intolerant LIEberal Supremacy is the prominent idiotology at universities & public schools (aka Leftist indoctrination camps), the lamestream media, arts & entertainment and all Dem-controlled big cities.

The fact that you are blithely unaware of this -- or (more likely) overlook it to pretend that Rightwing Extremism is the problem (Why Sure!) -- is quite telling.


no it isn't... omg you down even know the differences in the political spectrums and leanings.

again. grade 10 civics students are more politically intelligent than you.


"The fact that you are blithely unaware of this -- or (more likely) overlook it to pretend that Rightwing Extremism is the problem (Why Sure!) -- is quite telling."

this is FBI statistics you fucking retard, yet again. reality> contards opinions


More empty bluster (yawn). You really need to look up that word so you can remove it from your (non)debate "strategy."

Speaking of which, in all of our exchanges you've only written one post that was intelligent and actually impressed me, which tells me that you copied-and-pasted the content from somewhere else because, otherwise, you're just swaggering, braying, tedious hot air.

In the mean time, remember: Socialism is resentment disguised as compassion enforced by tyranny disguised as tolerance.


lol "bluster". im def talking a fat neckbeard incel. Hhahahahhahaha

ive already

"you're just swaggering, braying, tedious" 1000% incel neckbeard confirmed.

"In the mean time, remember: Socialism is resentment disguised as compassion enforced by tyranny disguised as tolerance."

cool you can pull quotes. they must be true then!

you clearly didn't even finish high school. you would be laughed out of any university, conservative or left wing. you are embarrassing. I feel bad for your family


Omg that was a libertarian. or as I call them "the communists of the right".

damn you are embarrassing kid. Hahahaha a libertarian lecturing a slightly left winger that he's an extremist.

this is hilarious


More worthless bluster (yawn).


you down [sic] even know the differences in the political spectrums and leanings.

In LIEberal terminology 'Left-leaning' means "PRETEND to be fair toward Conservative ideology and Judeo-Christian morals."

Also, you keep making glaring grammatical errors -- including failure to capitalize the first word of each new sentence -- so I humbly suggest toning down the "You're not as 'educated' as I am" (non)argument. Speaking of which...

you would be laughed out of any university,

Actually, I'd consider it a badge of honor to be laughed out of any institution of lower learning that teaches Leftwing idiotology, like the idea that there are hundreds of genders, that the rectum is a sex organ, that a man can have his genitals mutilated and be a legitimate 'female,' that Obama was a great president, that Socialism/Communism are heaven-on-earth, that Islam is a religion of peace, that Trump colluded with Russia, that a nation shouldn't police its borders, etc.


Lol another embarrassing post.


It's a typical Democrap politician tactic to blame others for their shortcomings. Truth be told, Biden is an idiot. I thought it was most accurate when President Trump said “He was only a good vice president because he understood how to kiss Barack Obama’s ass.” Otherwise, the guy is dumber than a box of rocks. Hell, he often doesn't even know what state he's in half the time!


And yet the lamestream media (an obvious auxiliary of the Dems) gives Biden a generous pass on such glaring gaffes. But, by golly, if a Conservative merely misspells 'potato' they'll be mercilessly denounced for years in books, TV, vids, memes, stand-ups, etc.


They call them "pressitutes" for a reason. Nearly all the major networks are little more than propaganda for the democrap party, and they'll do anything for a story, including lies their masters tell them to broadcast, even when the audience isn't buying it. There's a reason I don't watch tv news at all, not even Fox (despite them not always being rude to all Republicans 24/7 like the others).


I like that, "presstitutes."


When there is a movement to discredit well established media outlets it's a nefarious agenda to confuse people as to what is True. This is a bald, obvious and ugly tactic where a minority says 90% of what we hear are lies, while our minority tells the truth. In this social media age, it makes this manipulation that much easier, but I hope our US citizens recognize it for the crap it is.
Mainstream media has little incentive to make Trump look bad when he does such a good job of it himself.


well established media outlets

Well established and utterly pro-Dem/Lib; and therefore basically worthless Leftwing propaganda.


One of your allies here finds it useful to encourage people to move to Venezuela. Perhaps you should move somewhere the media is not free to point out the crimes of government. You might feel more comfortable.


What "crimes"? Talking to someone in Ukraine on the phone isn't a crime. It was the lamest reason for impeachment I've ever heard (rolling my eyes).

And -- in case you missed it -- you Dems failed to prove Trump committed a crime, let alone an impeachable one.


He and the DNC are desperate, bro!

