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Just bought seasons 1 and 2 and started watching the show and I was shocked as well when I saw the 1962 birthdate. Hard to believe he was 39-41 in the episodes I'm watching.


watch season 7 he looks really old when they do a close up of him.


That's only the character. They added fake scars and stuff to make Tony look physically the way he feels on the inside. I've seen recent photos of Carlos and he looks ten years younger than he really is.

~Where do the rules of engagement end and the crimes begin? --Jack Bauer


I know. Kiefer is younger than him...thought it'd be the other way around.

I James McAvoy


I've met Carlos and I'll tell you TV or pictures don't do the man justice. He is gorgeous. I love the bad Tony character, what better way to piss off Jack.
I love the many faces of Tony , genius, too bad Jack can't read them, he would have picked up on it a lot sooner. I can't wait to see what Tony's up too and where's Cubbie???
