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sharethat would be a cool twist.
shareI really hope that TONY does not get killed off again after making such a hooplah about bringing him back
how do you know?
shareI don't care if he dies or not but I really hope that he isn't undercover or goes back to being a "good guy". If he's gone bad, he should stay bad, not redeem himself like some one-dimensional character in some *beep* cliche-filled film.
shareI remember reading something where Howard Gordon said Tony wouldn't die. Can't remember the site now and it may not even be legit.
But I don't see Tony dying. Despite what the producers say, Tony was brought back to the fans crying over it. So I doubt they would kill him off again and if they did they would never hear the end of is Tony really dead?
Either he'll turn out to be good or be Jack's nemesis for the remainder of the series.
the way i see it, a main character has to die, it always happens. I dont think they will kill off one of the new characters because they hold little significance with the audience. it seems like someone from previous seasons has to go down. Chloe, jack (lol unlikely), buchanan, or tony seem like logical choices. They may kill off other characters, but i think they will feel like they should have a death in the show that is very dramatic, and that can only happen to veteran characters.