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shareHow to Train Your Dragon, for sure. I saw it eight times in theaters and it never got old.
I also find myself having Tropic Thunder cravings, as well. In all honestly I could watch all of his movies over and over and over.
I have issues with low self esteem, which is really ridiculous when you consider how amazing I am.
There are so many people who complain about his voice and how it annoys them. I noticed it a lot on the board for Sorcerer's Apprentice. I love it. It's so different and distinguishes him from other people.
Funny how that was a big issue for people in Sorcerer's Apprentice, but there were no complaints for HTTYD. :P
I have issues with low self esteem, which is really ridiculous when you consider how amazing I am.
I never had a problem with his voice. I never really noticed it until I saw everyone else commenting on it.
I need to finish Undeclared. I haven't watched, like the last two episodes. They're all up on YouTube, and it makes me happy.
I have issues with low self esteem, which is really ridiculous when you consider how amazing I am.
I think I've seen it like ten times now. At least! It's a great romantic comedy, one of my absolute favorites. :) It's up there on top together with "The sure thing".
...cyclops overlook optic options...
WEll so far out of all of Jay's movies, I actually watch Fanboys the most. I can watch it over and over and it never gets old and I still laugh every time.
I love ALL his movies though and have seen most of them more than once :).
I keep Fetching Cody on my DVR, because I can watch it over and over again. I watch Fanboys A LOT just because it covers most of my bases in regards to favorites. I love Chris Marquette and Kristen Bell...and Danny Trejo...and Kevin Smith...and Jason Mewes...and everyone else. Haha.
Hm. I could probably watch most movies with him in it over and over.
Out of all of them, though? I would say that my most favorite movie that he's in is Almost Famous. Hands down. Granted, he's only in it for like five minutes but that's not why I watch the movie anyway! :)
"Cause my bright is too slight to hold back all my dark."