MovieChat Forums > Eric Bana Discussion > In love with Mr.Bana

In love with Mr.Bana

Hi fellow Eric Bana lovers. I am so into this guy more than any other actor. He is magnetic! If he (and ahem myself) wasn't married I would move to Melbourne and make it my soul purpose in life to pursuade him that we're meant to be together!!!!!!!!! LOVED him as Henry in TTW. One of my favourite characters in a book ever and he was perfection when he played him. HUBBA HUBBA.
Please ladies who feel the same let me know that I'm not alone in my fanatical ramblings!!!!!!!


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No, i´m sure you´re not the only one. Yeah, he´s a dream...


I saw him in person yesterday, he is fvcking hot.


Really?! Where? Good for you, btw. I hope he´s in Melbourne and shows up at the final match of the Australian Open as usual. I miss him, apparently there are no projects coming :(


He was in Sydney! In the same suburb where he has a house in Sydney although I'm pretty sure he mainly lives in Melbourne so spotting him up here was a bit of a treat.




If I were 20 or 30 years older... Well... Enough said...


Indeed we are haha! The best part, it's not all looks. Most have great personalities to match. Note: I said MOST.
