Alan Autry: Alan Autry. Actor: In the Heat of the Night. Though not Hispanic, Autry's parents named him "Carlos" after a Louisiana politician admired by his father. The couple soon divorced, however, and Autry's mother took him to be with her family in central California. Carlos Autry now became Carlos Brown. Autry played sports in high school and earned a scholarship to the University of the Pacific where he played quarterback and...
Known For:
In the Heat of the Night (Capt. V.L. 'Bubba' SkinnerLt. V.L. 'Bubba' SkinnerSgt. V. L. 'Bubba' SkinnerSgt. V.L. 'Bubba' SkinnerCapt. Bubba SkinnerOfficer V. L. 'Bubba' SkinnerOfficer V.L. 'Bubba' Skinner),
Southern Comfort (Bowden(as Carlos Brown)),
Popeye (Slug - A Tough(as Carlos Brown)),
Brewster's Millions (Biff Brown)