MovieChat Forums > Richard Armitage Discussion > Video Interview for LLL

Video Interview for LLL

Here's a video interview with RA where he seems to be projecting his 'smooth' look. Not sure about that. It's interesting that he's still talking about RIII.

Here's the posed photo from the article:


He's devastingly handsome here and the dark polo and suit look just fine on him. Watching that video was enough to raise my blood-pressure and it's going to take a while to go back down again!


Yes, the majority of people have liked this photo and the polo neck. I can see that it is beautifully shot and I wondered why I liked it but...... there was just something about it...... But then another Brit pointed out to me that he reminded her of the James Bond look adopted in a famous sequence of adverts for a particular brand of chocolates years ago in the UK which always finished on the oft quoted line: 'And all because the lady lives Milk Tray,' LOL!


I didn't. I thought the make up, lighting, turtleneck all contributed to a rather off-putting appearance. I appreciated the interview. Not the video.


It has thrilled an awful lot of people and so it's a matter of taste: every time something like this comes out, it's unusual for everyone to like it. But I thought it looked very artificial, very 'Hollywood film star', which just wasn't him. When he opened his mouth and an English accent came out, then I suddenly recognised him. There were aspects of this shoot that I liked, others not so much. I wonder what RA's opinion is?


Nice. 


I think he is more "M" here than Bond, more like Ralph Fiennes than (of course) Daniel Craig - grown up, powerful, an eminence grise.


Yes, I agree with you there, ingrid. It's amazing how much his face has changed in the past year - how many 'aspects' we've seen, from the handsome, slightly stubbly, short-haired spy in BS, to the gaunt, bearded look when he was recording for Audible, just before LLL started, to the three faces we have seen in the play - bouncy, long-haired youth, smart, middle-aged businessman, elegantly slender older man - to this smooth, Hollywood star. These different looks combined with his acting ability allow him to morph from part to part.

But, this 'eminence grise' look has made me realise that he is too old now to play JB, especially since DC appears to be holding on to the part for a bit longer.


I have 280ish screencaps from that mighty handsome video. oof!

There's a zip file to download.


Thanks Jaydall for being such a spearhead on all things RA.

Do you have a website? If not, you can help me with mine. LOL
