MovieChat Forums > Eva Amurri Discussion > Absolutely Love Her

Absolutely Love Her

She's a pretty good actress and has always looked good, (Though recently she looks even better) but I don't really know what it is about her that stands out so much for me. I've only seen a couple of her movies but I simply adore her. Maybe it was her free spirited character in Saved! but I really feel like she embodies everyone that she plays.


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I know what you mean when you say there is something about her you cannot define but that at the same time stands out so much for you. It is not her beauty alone, there is something in her character... To the contrary of the "snowking", I never met her and will probably never meet, but by looking to her I always have this feeling that she knows something fundamentally important that I, in some level of my spirit, know too. And it is like we shared this secret forever as an unconscious fate that comes to our minds poorly defined in the so rare moments during which we realize there is indeed something we know but we always ignore throughout the superficiality of this reality to which we are all condemned. Maybe the most fascinating is that I am alone the sole witness of this fact. Equally forever. The last factor to this weird equation is the last thing to get out Pandora´s Jar. But anyway, it is all too crazy for me to be here speaking that. I acknowledge the value of your words anyway. Cheers! And let´s continue here anonymous supporters and friends of Eva Amurri! Nice and miserable fate. :D




she is fabulous and beautiful
