MovieChat Forums > Eva Amurri Discussion > Gorgeous in 'Saved!'

Gorgeous in 'Saved!'

Funny too. Wish she'd do more movies.

"The penguins are psychotic!"


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i loved her!

she looked especially great at the prom part with the femme suit

loved her acting too, totally great

questions? comments? concerns? expressions of love?


"Saved!" was just on the other day. She was so good. According to IMDb she was in "The Banger Sisters" with birth mom Susan Sarandon, and that is coming up on Oxygen channel June 22.

Mama just loved her little sweet potato baby, with a face like a parboiled yam.


Yeah she's lovely. I just had to laugh at everything she said in Saved!

I'm going to crap double for you tonight!!-stewie


She was my favorite character..I also like Mandy Moore's character a lot, very funny!

The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all.
