J.J. Abrams’ Films, Ranked Worst to Best
shareWow that’s pathetic if The Force Awakens is his best film
shareYou Lucas freaks are the worst. No matter how much you like to try and rewrite history, facts are facts:
I'm not a Lucas freak, I'm a good movie freak and TFA isn't a good movie. You SJW Disney Freaks are the worst.
If I were a Lucas freak then Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (which he wrote) wouldn't be one of my most hated movies of all time.
"TFA isn't a good movie."
Near UNIVERSAL praise, but sure, "MovieChatUser497" says otherwise.
Really? Judging by the discussions on moviechat that doesn’t seem to be the case. Also if you were able to argue why it’s a good movie based on the movie itself you wouldn’t have to appeal to popularity.
I’m guessing you are conceding that you have no basis to call me a “Lucas freak”, add a point to me.
Moviechat, LOL?!
shareIf you could actually defeat this trash movie you wouldn’t have to appeal to popularity, you’d be able to discuss the film on its merits (or lack of). And movie chat proves that not everyone loves it. Get over yourself
shareDefeat a movie, what the fuck are you talking about?
Your argument has no merit whatsoever. Moviechat counts, but IMDB and RT don't? Get outta here, ya doofus.
Defend you idiot, obviously auto correct got me.
I never claimed to be able to quantify how good a movie was, you did pee wee, and based on what I see your argument has no basis. And I’ll say again if you could actually explain why this movie was good you never would have mentioned RT. You suck
Most people on Moviechat are idiots though, including you.
And "haters" are always way more vocal than "lovers".
"Go tO meSSaGe BOardS, BUt rEviEW sItEs dOn'T CoUnT! derp derp"
You can't talk to people like this. I mean they obviously don't like the new movies, that's perfectly fine, but to sit here and just outright ignore how much money they made or the positive reviews
You mean the movie that was practically a cut-for-cut copy of the best elements of the trilogy is his best film?
I didn't realize he'd only directed six films to date. He certainly has a solid body of work. The ranking shared above seems reasonable. I'd swap a few, but they're all quite close. In my mind he's made three excellent films, The Force Awakens, Star Trek, and Mission Impossible III, and three very good films. If forced to rank them, I'd go with:
Star Trek
The Force Awakens
Mission Impossible III
Super 8
The Rise of Skywalker
Star Trek Into Darkness
I consider the last three to be horrible movies. From best to worst:
Star Trek
The Force Awakens
Mission Impossible III
Star Trek Into Darkness
Super 8
The Rise of Skywalker
His tv record is way better!
shareSo JJ watched Star Wars and just copied it and that is his best film.
That is not something to be proud of.
I watched Force Awakens and enjoyed it at the time of release but then as most others have over time realised that "wait a minute, I had already watched that film, it is called Star Wars and was released in 1977".
If you like it then that is fine, more power to you but it is not "Near Universally praised". As said it was at point of release but over the years people have realised it was just a hack copy and paste of Star Wars.