MovieChat Forums > J.J. Abrams Discussion > J. J. Abrams vs Spielberg in their prime...

J. J. Abrams vs Spielberg in their prime - who wins?

It seems that Abrams has a career path similar to Spielberg, but I would ask who winds up winning in terms of better director?

I personally say that Steven Spielberg has an edge because he created or had the direct involvement in more ORIGINAL film ideas that went onto become culturally significant.

The work he did with existing ideas like jurassic Park was adapting nooks to film, plus he had far more dramatic work to his name.

Maybe when Abrams gets older and more mature he will do some dramatic stuff too.

Until then I call it Spielberg as the better director.

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There is no comparison. Spielberg, by about 100 miles. Abrams doesn't even hold a candle.


Spielberg by far! Even portions of "1941" are more inspired and inventive than anything in Abrams' best film (TFA).


Completely different directors.

Spielberg started in TV, but became famous with film.

Abrams also started on TV, but became famous with TV. He's more of a TV auteur than a film auteur.

Abrams innovated with serialized writing in TV, whereas Spielberg innovated the film landscape with special effects. Both have their own visual style, but Spielberg has two phases of his style, one before-and-after working with Janusz Kaminski.

Spielberg has taken risks with film projects like A.I., Lincoln, and Munich. Abrams with Lost and other canceled shows.

Abrams is Abrams, Spielberg is Spielberg.


Serialized writing in Prime Time TV was around a long time before Abrams. Not denying he is a good writer,but crediting him with "innovation with seialized writing in TV" is fanboy nonsense.
And Lost had a nice,long run before it was cancelled.
If Abrams has a fault,he has problems with third acts..not as bad as some his writing partners,( I am looking at you, Lindlof,) but still he has a problem.

I'll Teach You To Laugh At Something's That's Funny
Homer Simpson


This isn't even a conversation. Spielberg in his prime years made Jaws, Close Encounters, Raiders of the Lost Ark and ET. Four legitimate masterpieces within a 7-8 year timespan.

So far JJ has made MI:3, Super 8, Star Trek, Into Darkness, and The Force Awakens. None of these films are outright bad, but none of them are really original or innovative in any way.

MI:3 was a franchise sequel which Abrams was a director-for-hire on. Super 8 was practically a remake of ET. Star Trek was JJ's sales pitch to direct a Star Wars film. Into Darkness was practically a remake of Wrath of Khan. The Force Awakens was practically a remake of the original Star Wars.

I'd like to see JJ direct a truly original script for once.

J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit


The OP is a comedian LOL

Let's see, what has JJ directed? He's done 5 average to mediocre movies.

What has Spielberg directed?

Yeah, tough call.


Let's see, what has JJ directed? He's done 5 average to mediocre movies....and all but one of them were knockoffs of other movies.
