The Destroyer

Amazing that one man could single-handedly have destoyed both the Star Wars and Star Trek franchises. As another gay man, I'm embarrassed by how bad his work is. Like the misguided gay Trump supporter, he gives us all a bad name.

Life sucks, then you're reincarnated


Really? After nearly two decades of complaining about Jar Jar Binks, Midi-chlorians and phony CGI, some people actually have the nerve to call out J.J. Abrams for supposedly ruining Star Wars? Wow, the internet really is full of whiny, ungrateful brats these days...


I don't understand what being gay has anything to do with it, not that there's anything right with that. The misguided gay trump supporter? If you're talking about Milo, I'd love to hear your opinion on how he's misguided. The guy is as informed as anyone could be. I'd say your little pathetic group of left wing SJW fktards is the misguided one here.

Oh and guess what, the majority of ST and SW fans want ST and SW fans like you to get back in f'ing the closet. You give us a bad name.


J.J. Abrams is a bad director. Incredible that some act like he knows his stuff or even worse is some sort of genius, hilarious. The best word to describe his movies is shallow. Does not help that the scripts were terrible as well since J.J obviously cannot salvage a film with his direction.


I bet that he will make Luke's character come out as a gay ghost in Star Wars IX.
