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She Got Whacked, Yesterday, On A + E's 'The Sopranos' (Yeah, AGAIN!)

The scene NEVER changes. She's getting ready to turn herself in to her FBI captors when Tony calls to tell her that Christopher tried to kill himself. She believes him, fool that she is. We see her driving south on I-95, by herself, but that morphs into she and Silvio taking "The Last Ride," together. As she tries to crawl into the brush to escape from the psychopath, Silvio pumps a couple of shots into her pathetic bod. When I see the scene, now, I wish that serie's creator, David Chase, had gone with the first option: Have Ade' drive off into the sunset, alone. Ade's death scene did NOTHING to advance the plotline, as we were soon to see. If Ade had lived, we could've seen HER walk into the restaurant in the final episode, pump a couple of slugs into Tony's head, and maybe then "Sopranos" regulars wouldn't have felt so cheated. THE SCENE JUST WENT BLACK??!!

"You can't HANDLE the truth!" Jack Nicholson, "A Few Good Men."


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This has probably been dicussed, but whatever. I think it's just another example of how depraved and low these people actually are. To have her show up again at the last minute seems a little too fictional. I hated when Ade got killed, but that show wasn't exactly supposed to be a lesson in morality.


Her driving off into the sunset wouldn't of played right. She honestly thought Christopher had tried to kill himself. She didn't know she was driving to her death. Tony and company have whacked plenty of people. They're good at it. It's what they do. Tony sold the story over the phone. Silvio played along perfectly until the last minute. Adriana was overcome by emotion (Christopher, the FBI thing, etc.). She wasn't fully thinking. Plus, Christopher loved her, right? She forgot about the world she was living in, and the true character of the people in her everyday life. Tony, Christopher, everybody are capable of genuine human emotion. But when it comes to business, these guys will do what they have to do and not think twice about it. Doesn't matter how long you've known someone or how close you are. Talking with the FBI will get you killed. Adriana should've known that. She should have forgotten about Christopher and gotten out of town.

Tears of a rapper...


She was way too dumb to live. I had 0 pity for her. I was just bummed there was one less hottie on the show.


My GAWD!! You have as many people (creatures?) on YOUR Ignore List, as I do!



When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...
