MovieChat Forums > Harvey Weinstein Discussion > Harvey Weinstein Is My Monster Too (Salm...

Harvey Weinstein Is My Monster Too (Salma Hayek)

What she went through to complete Frida, including a nervous breakdown. Never told anyone till now.


She didn't have to put up with any of that, quit the movie, go to the press, do what you have to do. She put up with it because she wanted an Oscar. She gets no sympathy from me.


Agreed. Same for most of these women who kept silent and aided his legacy of predatory behavior. For all the talk about female empowerment and independence, it only ever seems to show itself once there was safety in numbers.


If I recall correctly, she was either producing or directing "Frieda" as well as starring in it. That's not something a person walks away from lightly.

Unless you've ever had a real monster try to ruin a project that took years of work and represented a career change and your hopes and dreams and you came up with the perfect way to deal with him, you have no right to be so contemptuous


That is why I call her a careerist. No project is worth your dignity but some people prefer to get ahead than be treated with respect. The sad part is that, her attitude perpetuated a system of abuse that actual talented women unlike herself probably had to quit the business because they wouldn't put up with it. Thanks to her.



Spoken like a true careerist whore. Enjoy your abuse!


Oh for chrissakes, the problem isn't "careerists" here, IT'S WEINSTEIN. He's the criminal and the predator, he's the one who deserves criticism and contempt.

If you're mugged and lose your wallet, do you work to get the mugger arrested, or all his previous victims who failed to stop him or shoot him dead? You're talking like someone who thinks it's easy to deal with muggers, because you've never faced one yourself, and you'd be well advised to shut up before you embarrass yourself any further.

"He jests at scars, that never felt a wound."


Weinstein was not a mugger though.


He's an alleged rapist, as well as an utterly corrupt businessman. He seems to be a genuinely evil person.

If I owe anyone an apology for comparing him to a mugger, it's the muggers.


You still can't argue against my point, it takes two to tango.


Still deliberately ignoring the rape allegations, are you? Troll-lo-lo-lo-lo!

But if you'd ever experienced anything like the Full Weinstein, you'd know it's not a question of two people tango-ing, it's one person deliberately putting another in a situation where they have no good options. And if you think that giving up your career goals or whole career are easy and desirable options, I can only assume that you either have a trust fund to back you up, or your current career aspiration is to become shift manager at McDonalds. Probably the latter.


No career is worthy putting up with such disgusting treatment and abuse, only careerists with no decency would allow that in order to get ahead. People like Salma Hayek just make it 10 times harder for people with actual talent and work ethic to do well in the world, she's as much scum as Weinstein and gets no sympathy from me.


If McDonald's doesn't come through with the promotion, Burger King is always hiring!


I've never worked in Mcdonald's in my life thank god but Selma should have stayed there, and Frida was absolute shit.


Of course Starbucks' is the place to be if you've got no skills or ambition, but you ought to know that Kevin Spacey has accepted the position of regional manager in your area.

But then you've got no problem working for people like him, go for it! Make a real career for yourself at last, move up in the world!


lol that answer doesn't even make sense. Anyway I stand by my point that you haven't been able to refute. Also Frida sucked so bad, and it's all but forgotten now. Salma Hayek has no talent, never did, she got far alright but because of her trasatlantic ass and spread eagle talents, nothing more. She was given the opportunity, her career is still shit. Had to marry a billionaire because I'm sure her flop career didn't generate much money.


What points? All I see is low-level trolling, and I'm gotten tired of feeding you.

Fuck off, and go do the dishes for your momma like a good little boy.



'Go fuck yourself'
You sure do repeat yourself a lot
And to think i was raised to believe a lady wouldnt talk this way:(
You madam are no true lady!



Cakey boy has claimed to be a veteran, a transexual and an OCD sufferer. The poster hates 'fanboys' but wont explain what she means...And also posts constantly about things she or he ( i dont care to keep up) hates a lot ...proof enough that this mess of a person is pure fraud...bum...troll
But dont tell 'her' that or she will ignore you:o



Most welcome!
I dont ignore anyone because i enjoy the tussles but i dont blame you...this loser is hardly worth it;)


That's ridiculous. Talk about blaming the victim.


The women all coming forward now after all these years are either:

A. Sucked up to it to get the role (ignored)
B. Wanted the fame
C. Wanted the money
D. Like in school or whatnot, sucked cock for that A+
E. All of the above

Now they just want to be relevant in the public media to feel special about keeping quiet about it all those years or decade.


The part where he bitched about Frida's eyebrows killed me...SHE HAD A UNIBROW YOU MORON!!!


All these famous women who are coming forward are hypocrits. They willingly participated in this garbage and became rich and famous because of it, while brave women who refused and took a stand before their careers took off are ignored. Harvey was probably a sick person but so are these women. I mean, how messed up a person do you have to be to participate in this sh****t to further your career and then come out against it later like you're just a victim of it? There is no excuse for giving someone oral sex or showering in front of them when you could easily just say no. So, the fat bastard threatens to ruin your career. CLEARLY your career is more important to you


Couldn't have said it better.
