Think he'll kill himself?
Wouldn't surprise me if he did.
shareHe's worrying about jail time and big lawsuits. I expect he is moving money offshore and looking for countries without a US extradition treaty to "retire". If he were a Trumpster Russia would look good, but he'll have to settle for Venezuela or Cuba.
shareI wouldn't be surprised if he did, he's literally losing everything and I doubt he'll get it back.
shareBoy! I wouldn't give this guys troubles to a monkey on a rock. I know this might be the biggest understatement of all time, but one gets the feeling the sex addiction treatment he is now undergoing may have come JUST A LITTLE BIT TOO LATE, LOL.
sharenah, hes a sociopath
sharePeople like him don't kill themselves, as long as they have the power to make anyone else miserable. That's how they deal with suffering, they pass it on!
Personally, I think he'll devote himself to destroying his brother and their company, and succeed.
if he goes to prison, yes
shareI hope yes