MovieChat Forums > Michelle Trachtenberg Discussion > Dawn in Buffy Season 9 Comic

Dawn in Buffy Season 9 Comic

In Buffy season 9 comic Dawn is knocking on death's door. I'm happy to say she lives.

I know there are people out there that don't like Dawn, for me though I do and she made me a fan of Michelle's. So when I heard that Dawn was knocking on death's door in Buffy season 9 comics I was rather ticked and vowed if they killed her off that I would stop reading the Buffy comics all together.

Joss and team made me a happy camper yesterday when Darkhorse released the final issue of Buffy season 9 and saved Dawn.


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Haha thanks for the spoiler tags but since I was entering this thread I was expecting spoilers anyway.

Havent read the season 9 comics yet ... the BtVS comic hierarchy is highly confusing, apparently theres a ton of them. And I was pretty underwhelmed by the season 8 comic artstyle already. Seriously, I even had problems to identify people. Thats a bit below the quality I'm used to.

A gentleman will not insult me, and no man not a gentleman can insult me.


Just stare at your toilet bowl as it flushes, it'll make more sense than the Buffy comics.

Really not seeing how a fan of Dawn could be very impressed with her in the comics. She grew into an individual on the show. In the comics, she's just a victim, then a damsel in distress. Not once looking like Michelle along the way.

'Cause Napalm sticks to kids.


I liked how she ended up with Xander, since I thought they'd make a good couple in season 7.

In the kingdom of the blind, you're the village idiot.



Given with what we've been given since "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" (BtVS), one cant help but wondering if we wouldnt be better off with BtVS season 18 by now.

A gentleman will not insult me, and no man not a gentleman can insult me.
