'...the misery and squalor of your lives...'
Questions Galore!!!!
So last week I was listening, very carefully, to the end of my "Modern Scream" album (the segment where Lily is channel-surfing the radio through all her characters), and found myself strangely fascinated by whomever recites this dryly humorous monologue - "Ladies and gentlemen, I think that each of us in his own TASTEFUL way has tried this evening to show you the magic of entertainment...to touch, for a few brief moments, the misery and SQUALOR of your lives...with the intense glamour and excitement of our own. Catch me later, won't you, at the Wilson Motel rinsing out my pantyhose! ...So if you've had a good time tonight - or if you've had a good time ANY night - for gosh sakes, why not drop a dollar in the mail to me?"
I figured she was this "Tasteful Lady" character I'd heard so much about, so I bought the two best-of DVD sets of "Laugh-In" once I learned that this particular character originated on that show. But there are only like 6 episodes total (which is ridiculous - why not release the whole series?!) and certainly NOT enough Mrs. Earbore! Where can I see more??? She is absolutely SO bizarre but hilarious! Did Lily do any Tasteful moments on any of her 70s specials or appearances on other shows, perchance...?
Same with Suzie Sorority - I am OBSESSED with that particular track on Modern Scream, mostly because it's stunning to me how one tiny woman can alter her voice in such a drastic way WHILE speaking so quickly! I am dying to see this character realized. I know we see Suzie briefly in the opening of the Appearing Nitely video, but damn it that was NOT enough! Did Suzie ever happen to appear on any lost Laugh-In or "Lily" Special skits, too?
Actually, I DID recently manage to obtain ONE of her specials on DVD from a guy on classics2dvd.com. She does kiss Richard Pryor at the end...that's the '73 one, right? (I wish I could figure out which VHS-released special this person is offering at http://www.ioffer.com/i/Lily-Tomlin-Special-13137725 ...They can't even be bothered to figure out what year it's copyrighted!)
Can't...get enough...old-school Tomlin...
Must...subscribe...to Netflix...
"Don't fck with me, I guarantee you I'm crazier."