What makes her so damn alluring?
Is she HOT in the traditional sense? No, not really. She's has a big head and her body is completely average (breasts hips legs are all nothing really special)but heres the thing- theres something intangibly sexy about her. It's difficult to put your finger on exactly what it is, which is what makes her so alluring. I find myself constantly trying to figure out what it is about her. Even though I dont find her ravishingly beautiful, i do find her to be very sexy. I've decided that it has something to do with her jawline(slight underbite?), her cheekbones(round soft and low), her mouth (specifically the way her thin upper lip contours to her teeth), and her vaguely asian eyes. The way that all of these odd facial structures somehow come together and work to create a very unique and intriguing looking woman gives her amazing screen presence. I'm glad she continues to get steady work in Hollywood so that I can continue to be fascinated by her and fascinated by my own fascination. After all there are plenty of beautiful blonde bombshells and dark haired seductresses in Hollywood who inspire the fantasies of millions of male/female fans around the world. But there is only one Julia stiles (well 2 if you count Erika Christenson hah).