Twink lover?

Do you guys think he might have been a part of Bryan Singer's twink parties? In 1998 a young Seann did in fact play a part in the pedophile tv-pilot "Chad's World". His co-star on that show was molested by the producer Marc Collins-Rector. I like Seann, but... you know, there's this slight fear I have. Allegedly Seann is a closeted homosexual, he was there on this particular set, many involved parties allegedly joined in illegal sexual behavior towards young boys.



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Well, "by association" is not really saying anything. As example, you can make a story quite like the one presented, but about a Justin Timberlake having been part of a boys-band where at least one the their member is now a known homosexual... So what will you conclude about Justin Timberlake? There is nothing unusual, here, to have a group of friends where one of the person is homosexual, while the other are not, after all, well, at least, here, where I live.

Furthermore, "many involved parties allegedly joined" is nothing more than an additional layer of hypothesis (indeed, you used the word allegedly) not facts, and WE can ask ourselves WHERE could be those involved in those assumed parties? they are all dead by now? why they don't sue him, if it is true? Not very credible, I am afraid.

Finally, you are sure that "Chad's World" was a PEDOPHILE play? I thought it was about a closeted teen, but I can be wrong. The way that you presented it as a pedophile tv-pilot reduces your credibility, since it sounds like you judge, or at least, push your judgment, before presenting the said facts.


About Seann's audition to get the role of Stifler.

We can see it on one of the DVD about the first three AP movies and it is Adam Herz who claims that they knew they had the actor for that character at that same moment. So, unless Adam Herz is somehow also related to "Chad's World", I fail to see any link there. And by the way, I suggest that you seek that audition track, it is what, not even 60 seconds, not totally what "Stifler" would be, but damn close, already. Furthermore, he also tried to be in other movies and popular tv-series. His audition to AP was far from being his first (or second) one, so, no much "then suddenly" to imply there.

About being alone in LA, not so sure. When he got rob (T-shirt, running shoes, and the small amount of money he was carrying) after having taken the wrong bus (on his way for an audition), if I remember well, he said that at some point that he called one of his brother. One of his bro was at the start of "The Onion", no? And where was that, in LA ?

reply ?
Is that where you got it from? :P
He "unofficially" came out in "It's always sunny..." I thought it was funny.
..but I wouldn't be surprised if he did offer himself up or was "taken advantage of" when he started out.
That sort of stuff happens. Everyone knows it.
Shawn Ashmore
Nicholas Hoult


It is disturbing that he was in Chad's World and involved with DEN.
