Stop bashing John for wanting kids!
Sorry, but their is absolutely nothing wrong if John wanted to have kids in his marriage. His desire to start a family only shows his love for children. In his life he has constantly been around kids from "Full House" to being a fantastic uncle to his many nieces and nephew, plus he is also involved with many children's charities. Sounds like he was ready for kids and would have been the best father ever! Rebecca was just plain stupid and selfish that she did not share the same love for children that he so obviously did. Could she not understand or see that she was married to someone who would have been a good father. Oh No she was too self centered and only thinking of herself and her career. Guess what, there are many actresses/women out their that can manage both children and a career and be happy with both. I am sure they had no problem putting their career on hold for the time being so that they could have kids and then still continue with their careers afterwards. So give me a break that really is no excuse.
glasshouse gr-1 you confuse me you say that you are a fan of John's but I doubt that you truly are. A while back you were asking "Can you forgive" referring to the incident in Australia where you could not believe that people were still bringing it up. So now you have the nerve to come here and bring it up again by attacking John and accusing him of being drunk when you really do not know the truth yourself. John has been in the business for 25 years and never had problems for bad behaviour. It was the media that turned it into a circus and making it worse than it really was. It was the media that was saying he was drunk because we all know that this makes better publicity than reporting the actual truth. John does not need backstabbing fans like you.