MovieChat Forums > Megan Mullally Discussion > Can't Believe it's Not Butter...Really?

Can't Believe it's Not Butter...Really?

I know these actors sell themselves out daily but c'mon. I love her in everything and she is even sexy in the commercial, but that should have been an ad for CHEEEEESE!

Johnny T.
Iboost your credit score at


lol Megan is like that. She likes doing goofy fun things she enjoys. Plus she truly likes the products. I saw her in like 4 interviews she did a few weeks back promoting the commercial and she talked about how everything she eats is organic and that butter substitute is a healthier choice than actual butter because of the fattening in it. and yea I agree, she looks really good in the commercial :) People need to relax about this commercial. It's not what people think, she's doing it simply because she wants to and because she finds it fun.


Uh, no its just sad.


whether you or anyone think it's sad or funny, it's just a commercial. this is her 3rd musical commercial she's done so I would expect people to not be surprised by now that she enjoys doing projects like this.


What are the other two, Daris89 (just out of curiosity, as I can't recall)? I love her current one, as I just said in the other thread, it's so catchy and fun!



M&M's is one I remember

hey Daris what's the third??
also is it up on the site???

'Can't Stop The Signal'


she did a musical commercial back in 2000 for Old Navy very much like this one. She had 4 guys dancing around her and she was dancing and singing her heart out about Old Navy lol. It's not online, I remember watching it when it was airing but then I never saw it online anywhere.

and ofcourse she did another musical commercial for M&M later on, which is one of the best M&M commercials in my opinion. I had that song stuck in my head for weeks and weeks and still today when I see M&Ms I sing the song lmao


Thanks Daris

'Can't Stop The Signal'


Does anybody think daris89 is just as sad as Megan Mullally? This act you have like you actually "know" Megan Mullally is just sad. Get over it. You don't know her and guessing by your posts she probably has a restraining order against you. Go outside, get some fresh air.
