MovieChat Forums > Megan Mullally Discussion > She looks horrible now! What happened to...

She looks horrible now! What happened to her face

She has really aged


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I think she looks perfectly fine as a 54 year old. Wouldn't go so far as to say she looks much younger than that, but definitely not older. I think she's aged pretty well. I can't believe she's the same age as my mum

No expectations, no disappointments.


I think it the hair that throws me off but she's still gorgeous!



She's super hot! always has been!

Nick Offerman is one very lucky man.


Hey hateful OP! MM is 55 years and doesn't overdose on Botox. She's been on the planet more than half a century - that is "what happened"!!

The hate here is just sickening, especially when you think how wonderful and funny Megan is - she makes us laugh and you bag on her looks, way to be classy. I am so proud that she is from my state, where we just don't act like that. "She really aged", do you realize how silly that is? Will And Grace was on a LONG time ago, so hopefully you're not doing your scientific experiment that way.



Recently saw her on Parks & Rec and I think she looks fantastic.


Saw her in person less than a month ago. She's lost a LOT of weight which of course changes the way her face looks. Aside from being seriously thin, she looks fine. She's always been pretty in a very particular way and still is. She looks a lot better in person than she does in photos or on screen.


I think she's stunning and really quite sexy on Parks and Recreation as Tammy. Not to mention hilarious. I was surprised at her age as she's only five years younger than my parents and I would've guessed a much larger gap than that.

She's a good example of aging gracefully and still looks beautiful.
