MovieChat Forums > James Marsden Discussion > James Marsden strangely resembles...

James Marsden strangely resembles...

Chris Pine from the new Star Trek franchise. Anyone else agree?

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I don't know how much they actually look alike, but they're both awesome (not to mention gorgeous) actors.

You're right, though - they do sort of remind me of each other. (And speaking of Chris Pine - the new Star Trek movie looks like it's going to be great!)

"There are three things you can never get enough of: chocolate, friends, & the theatre."


Yes I thought Chris Pine looked a lot like him when I sw him in Smoking aces.


I think he looks like Jonathan Jackson a little. Really does on enchanted.


I thought he looked like Justin Bruening from the new(Now Cancelled) knight Rider.

Looks a little like Chris Pine too though.


Both are very..very..verrrry..attractive men. :)

...That's what she said.


At one point in 27 Dresses he reminded me of Brad Pitt and then at another point he reminded me of Scott Foley from Felicity. Similar colouring/features...


I don't see it. However, when I saw The Box, he kind of reminded me of Mark Ruffolo.
